The Hidden Hand

Go Forth And Set California on Fire

A grass fire that began Saturday afternoon in San Joaquin County, California, trended the news during Sunday, June 2, 2024. The ‘Corral Fire’ began in the City of Tracy around 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, and by Sunday afternoon about 30% of it was contained – still with high risk of spreading due to dryness and winds. As you probably know, most of these fires are purposedly started by Freemasons within your government, as in […]

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World Stage: Senate Passes $95 Billion Package to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

As you should know by now, the ‘elite’ families rule the world through the Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order, which in turn controls all the other secret societies such as the Freemasons, and there are a few numbers that are extremely important to the Jesuit Order, those of 201, 95, and 56, followed by 144, 84, 72, and 54. As you might remember, the Jesuit Order was founded on August 15, 1534, to

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World Stage Mocking: Blockbuster Blizzard in California

An extreme winter storm smashed California during Friday, March 1, 2024 and is said to at least continue into Saturday. CNN calls it, mockingly, a “blockbuster blizzard,” using terminology associated with Hollywood and movies, which of course are released on Fridays. The choice of terminology is not only mocking, but also accurate considering that all these extreme weather events are man-made using weather control technology, as first admitted back in 1952 on the birthday

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World Stage Programming: Outcry From the Catholic Community After Trans Activist Funeral

On February 15, 2024, a funeral Mass took place at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City for what the church believed to be a deceased Catholic. Instead, it allegedly turned out to be a funeral for the transgender activist Cecilia Gentili with more than 1,000 trans activists attending. This, allegedly, sparked an outrage in the Catholic community and the archdiocese of St. Patrick’s Cathedral condemned the funeral as “scandalous” and “sacrilegious.” Two days

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World Stage Politics: Biden 2024 US Election Opening Speech

On January 5, 2024, CNN devoted an entire page to collect all the fabricated scripts about the US election campaign. Among the silly rivalry of Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, the Trump and US Supreme Court theatre nonsense, Biden’s first speech of 2024 dominated the feed. Now, the fact that Joe Biden made his first campaign speech on January 5 was neither a coincidence, nor a surprise, as January 5 came exactly 46 days

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Henry Kissinger Dead at 100 by the Numbers – Updated

Well, after the death of Charlie Munger, and former president Jimmy Carter being in the headlines as of late, it comes as no surprise that another famous world-stager in Henry Kissinger was up next. Henry Kissinger was a Zionist-Jewish political puppet and media actor who played the role of Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977 under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Kissinger was often used by the Jesuits as the archetypal globalist agent

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Phallus Ritual on the 322nd Day of the Year and a Look at Freemasonry

Remember, on February 12, the day leaving a Freemasonic Skull and Bones 322 days remaining in the year, during the Super Bowl, the U.S. allegedly shot down yet another ‘high-altitude object,’ only days after the silly ‘Chinese spy balloon’ rituals. Well, yesterday, on November 18, the 322nd day of the year, they returned to the skies with Elon Musk and his SpaceX phallos igniting all its Freemasonic 33 engines. The ritual and the mocking

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The Fake Media Industry Accuse Microsoft of Fake AI News

The war on information is slowly progressing behind the scenes, with the ‘elite’ pulling the strings in every corner of the information- and media industry. Alternative Media, Controlled Opposition, Government Shills, AI-generated News websites and blogs, AI Bots on social media, and now Microsoft allegedly depending on AI for their “news” on and their web browser Edge’s start page. According to the story, Microsoft has increasingly relied on the use of automation and

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