Order of Illuminati

World Stage: Alec Baldwin’s Staged Rust Manslaughter Case Dismissed

I covered the initial Jesuit and Freemason Rust-shooting ritual back on October 22, 2021, the day after the alleged shooting had happened on the movie set, starring Alec Baldwin. To recap, we all know that “prop guns” are non-functional replica guns that can’t even be fired. And the staged and fake shooting with “live ammunition” happened on October 21, 2021, exactly a Jesuit 201-days after Alec’s April 3rd birthday. Of course, 201 fitted the […]

World Stage: Alec Baldwin’s Staged Rust Manslaughter Case Dismissed Read the Full Article »

Go Forth And Set California on Fire

A grass fire that began Saturday afternoon in San Joaquin County, California, trended the news during Sunday, June 2, 2024. The ‘Corral Fire’ began in the City of Tracy around 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, and by Sunday afternoon about 30% of it was contained – still with high risk of spreading due to dryness and winds. As you probably know, most of these fires are purposedly started by Freemasons within your government, as in

Go Forth And Set California on Fire Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Trump Guilty on All Charges — Updated (Storm)

As predicted, the staged and totally fake ‘criminal trial,’ the political theatre, entered its final stages with the Manhattan jury finding Donald Trump “guilty” of all 34 counts of falsifying business records. This verdict was the only possible outcome, as it is perfect for the elites and the Jesuit Order’s ‘divide and conquer’ strategy while going into the 2024 US presidential election. Democrats will be cheering while using this as fuel for Trump not

World Stage: Trump Guilty on All Charges — Updated (Storm) Read the Full Article »

World Stage Jesuit Ritual: Trump Rallies in the Bronx

As a little diversion from the scripted theatre of Trump’s criminal trial, the Trump campaign held a rally at Crotona Park, a public park in New York City’s most diverse and economically challenged borough, this Wednesday evening, May 23, 2024.As you should know, Donald Trump is Jesuit-educated and comes from a family of deep Freemasonic and Satanic connections. Thus, everything he does is scripted with the Jesuit Order and the Freemasonic orders in mind

World Stage Jesuit Ritual: Trump Rallies in the Bronx Read the Full Article »

ESPN “Insider” NFL reporter Chris Mortensen Dead of “Cancer” at 72

Allegedly, longtime ESPN journalist and NFL reporter Chris Mortensen died of stage 4 “throat cancer” at 72 this Sunday, March 3, 2024. Chris Mortensen = 72Throat Cancer = 72Masonic Rite = 72Jesuit Order = 72 The Freemason and ESPN “insider” Mortensen died exactly 48 days after the anniversary of him revealing that he had “throat cancer” on January 15, 2016. Mortensen died at the age of “seventy-two.” Freemason = 48, 48Insider = 48, 48Mortensen

ESPN “Insider” NFL reporter Chris Mortensen Dead of “Cancer” at 72 Read the Full Article »

Jacob Rothschild of NM Rothschild & Sons dead at 87

I’ve covered the Rothschilds in several articles. To summarize, Rothschild means ‘red shield,’ the symbol of the Roman Empire and the Order of Malta, the protectors of the Vatican, of the Holy Roman Empire. The Rothschilds are close to the Borghese family, who have a dragon in their shield of arms, and are also part of the Order of Malta (aka., Knights of Malta,) of the Draco Empire (The Saturn cult, as in the

Jacob Rothschild of NM Rothschild & Sons dead at 87 Read the Full Article »

World Stage: The Julian Assange Extradition Battle

On February 21, 2024, the media actor Julian Assange, used as controlled opposition and portrayed as the baby troofer’s conspiracy theorist who always is on the run for something (keeping the illusion that he must be “on to something” as he is hunted by the government,) was back in the news as another staged and fake extradition court hearing allegedly took place. The media puts it as, “In a last-ditch bid to stop the

World Stage: The Julian Assange Extradition Battle Read the Full Article »

Controlled Opposition 101: Elon Musk Reactivates Alex Jones’ X Account

Look at that. Another staged media ritual and more chickenfeed for the baby-truthers who believe that Elon Musk and Alex Jones are real and on the “side of the people.” Once again, these deceived baby-truthers will rejoice over something staged by their slave masters, by the elite. So, one of the big headlines from December 10, 2023, was that of the actor and puppet of the elite, Elon Musk, playing the Horus archetype, based

Controlled Opposition 101: Elon Musk Reactivates Alex Jones’ X Account Read the Full Article »

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