Can you spell ‘Weather Control’ and ‘Jesuit Order?’ Yes, here we go again with another planned weather warfare event.
Dallas was founded in 1841 and received its town charter on February 2, 1856. This ‘flash flooding’ on August 22 comes exactly 201-days after the anniversary of this town charter. 201 is the Jesuit Order’s most significant number and is also heavily connected to Weather Control, just as 52- and 25, which we will get to.
Weather Control = 177, 69, 667, 201, 691, 1062, 1206
The Jesuit Order = 177, 69, 667, 201, 691, 1062, 1206
Fabricated = 69, 201, 1206
The heavy rain and flooding started on Monday, August 22, a day with 52-date numerology. Again, these weather-controlled events always happen on dates with 52 and/or 25-numerology, as I and other decoders have exposed hundreds and hundreds of times. Also, it’s said that the worst flooding was in Mesquite, Texas, where a 60-year-old woman allegedly was killed.
8/22/22 = 8 + 22 + 22 = 52
Flood = 52
Mesquite, Texas = 52
Again, the first act of weather warfare was admitted to have taken place at the Devon Village in ’52 by the RAF Rainmakers, on August 15, the Jesuit Order’s birthday. And our current Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope. They worship the original Sun God, as in Saturn, which would be the Devil, or Satan, in modern terms.
Pope = 52, 25
Devil = 52, 25
Daemon = 52, 25
Flood = 52, 25
Earth = 52, 25
Enlil = 52, 25 (the God/Goddess of storm and flooding)
Heru = 52, 25 (aka., Horus, God of kingship and the sky, as in sun and moon)
The Cabal = 52, 25 (what they really are, secret societies, cabal)
As you probably know, they always connect these rituals to their Freemason puppets in charge, such as governors or mayors.
The Mayor of Dallas is Eric Johnson and he was born on October 10. This flooding happened 49-days before his birthday.
Dallas = 49
Heavy Rain = 49
Flood = 49
Enlil = 49
Pope = 49
Flash Flood = 49
Or, if you count the end-date, you can say it was a span of 50 days until his birthday, which fits with some of the headlines in the media…
1-in-1,000-Year Flooding = 50
Flash Flooding = 50
Dallas = 50
Rain = 50
And speaking of headlines, a few news outlets wrote the same line but with letters instead of numerals. Also note that on August 22 there was 131-days remaining in the year.
A Once-in-a-Thousand-Year Flood = 131
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 131 (IHS, the inscription on the Jesuit’s sigil)
The Freemasons = 131
And being the 22nd day of the month in ’22, we also have…
Dallas = 22
Jesuits = 22
Pope = 22
Enlil = 22
Rain = 22
Flood = 22
Mason = 22
Again, this flooding was not natural, it was made with weather modification technology as part of their climate change and climate crisis agenda. Funny that both of these buzzwords are shortened as ‘cc’ or ’33,’ the Freemason’s calling card number.