World Stage: Cannabis Stocks Surged on March 15 (and the CBD Scam)

The only reason I cover this is because some baby troofers think that cannabis is good for you, especially the extract CBD, and can help with ailments and diseases, which of course is total bullocks. It’s a plant, which means it’s extremely toxic, especially any extracts like CBD which means you get even more of it than you naturally could have.Anything toxic that is introduced to our system is an immediate threat to our […]

World Stage: Cannabis Stocks Surged on March 15 (and the CBD Scam) Read the Full Article »

What Are They Planning? Chinese Hackers Galore!

Freemason and FBI Director Christopher Wray was back in the “news” on January 31, 2024, warning us about Chinese hackers “preparing” to “wreak havoc” on “US critical infrastructure.” On December 5, 2023, Wray warned us that the “Terror Alert” was at an “All-Time High,” which since then has been hinted on and off in the media and been reinforced by stories and upcoming movies about ‘civil war.’Again, this is all predictive programming to condition

What Are They Planning? Chinese Hackers Galore! Read the Full Article »

Joe Biden Sets to End CONvid-1984 Emergencies by May 11, 2023

This is a nicely coded and quite amusing piece of “news,” especially if you want to better understand date-numerology and how they weave it together with gematria – the strongest evidence of coding, as it’s virtually impossible to be coincidences. According to the White House, “President” Joe Biden intends to end the Covid-19 national and public health emergencies on May 11. As CNN is pro Communism- and Totalitarism, they spun their reporting with the

Joe Biden Sets to End CONvid-1984 Emergencies by May 11, 2023 Read the Full Article »

The Indonesia Stadium Stampede Was Faked All by The Numbers

As this story (hoax) broke, all news outlets reported ‘129’ people as dead from a stampede caused by fans fleeing toward the exit gates after the police fired tear gas on to the soccer pitch where the losing team Arema FC’s fans were rioting. 129 is the octal (8-base counting) of the very Jesuit number 201. This is hardly a coincidence as this hoax happened in Indonesia, a country that share the gematria of

The Indonesia Stadium Stampede Was Faked All by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

Dallas Floods on a 52-Date Numerology and 201-Days After Town Charter Anniversary

Can you spell ‘Weather Control’ and ‘Jesuit Order?’ Yes, here we go again with another planned weather warfare event. Dallas was founded in 1841 and received its town charter on February 2, 1856. This ‘flash flooding’ on August 22 comes exactly 201-days after the anniversary of this town charter. 201 is the Jesuit Order’s most significant number and is also heavily connected to Weather Control, just as 52- and 25, which we will get

Dallas Floods on a 52-Date Numerology and 201-Days After Town Charter Anniversary Read the Full Article »

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