Look at that. No need for “specific vaccines” for previous fantasy variants, but Omicron seems to be here to stay – at least until they have another maiming, sterilizing and deadly vaccine available to put into the mix. But until then, I guess other new variants just have to take a queue ticket and wait in line.
The fake Omicron became headlines on Black Friday simply because they decided it should originate from a black continent, Africa. Yeah, that is how original they are.
That was November 26. These fake trials hit the headlines on January 25, exactly 60 days later.

Clinical Trial = 60 (what this is about)
Nigger = 60 (They love racism and they claim it originated in Africa)
A Slave = 60 (same as a above)
Omicron Coronavirus = 60 (Septenary) (keyword)
60 days is the same as 8 weeks and 4 days, like ’84.’
Pfizer BioNTech = 84
Mark of the Beast Vaccine = 84 (also sums to 201, same as The Jesuit Order)
Slaves = 84 (yet again)
Jesuit = 84
The fake study is said to involve 1,420 adults, as in 1×42 = 42.

Omicron Vaccine = 42 (Septenary)
Clinical Trial = 42 (Septenary)
Omicron = 42
Nigger = 42 (here we go again)
Vaccine = 42 (what it is about)
Slavery = 42 (here we go again)
Jesuit = 42 (the order writing this script)
As you can see, 42 is a very important number in this scheme. Perhaps we will see the Omicron Vaccine being approved in 42 days on March 8, or on April 2, as in 4/2, 42.
March 3 would read as 3/8 or 38, as in:
Africa = 38
Omicron-Specific Vaccine = 380 = 38
Also, remember, on November 26 Pfizer claimed it would have a vaccine ready for Omicron in 100 days, which will be March 6, as in 3/6 or three sixes, as in 666. And yes, 3/6 as in 36, is the triangular number of 666! it would have a vaccine ready for Omicron in 100 days, which will be March 6, as in 3/6 or three sixes, as in 666. And yes, 3/6 as in 36, is the triangular number of 666! So, let’s see what it will be. March 6 or 8, or even April 2?
News about this nonsense broke on January 25, as in 25/1, as in 251, the 54th prime.
“18 to 55” = 54 (the age-span in the alleged study)
Clinical Trial = 54 (Jewish Reduction cipher)
Coronavirus = 540 = 54 (Satanic cipher)
Jesuit Order = 54
Again, another silly ritual to keep this charade alive. If all this were real and if viruses actually would exist, it would probably be a better move to focus on something that all variants have in common and make something that could potentially work for anything of a specific strain, instead of focusing on only the latest variant – because if they are running with this silly narrative of new variants emerging, this vaccine will be useless as soon as it hit the markets and the next variant pops up. But hey, the sheep never think ahead, they only care about being spoon fed their fake reality.