Omicron Variant

Covid Alarmism Returns with the Nonexistent ‘Eris’ Variant

The virus hoax has resurfaced once again with WHO lurking in the shadows, and it needs to be addressed. With that said, this will be rather short, as I’m swamped with writing nutritional programs and guides for clients, and need to save my time and energy for that (the history series will be back in a day or two.) After years of lies and deceit, most people should be aware of the virus hoax, […]

Covid Alarmism Returns with the Nonexistent ‘Eris’ Variant Read the Full Article »

New ‘Arcturus’ Variant, Bird-Flu Silliness, and Cyclone to Hit Australia

As everyone should now by now, there is no such thing as a virus. No virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist or do anything they claim these pesky boogeymen do. And more importantly, contagion has never been proven, only the complete opposite. No living being can infect another with disease. Any kind of disease comes from within and it is the healing process that manifests symptoms that complete retards claim as

New ‘Arcturus’ Variant, Bird-Flu Silliness, and Cyclone to Hit Australia Read the Full Article »

The Fake Pandemic – The Rise of the Kraken as I Foretold

In my article posted in early August of 2022, about the staged and fake FBI raid at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, I wrote about their ongoing script of playing out the Book of Revelation — how Trump most likely is the Seventh King and that Obama is the Antichrist. In that article I mentioned Kraken, the Beast or the Antichrist, as a metaphor for something hidden and/or something that rises, as the Beast rose from

The Fake Pandemic – The Rise of the Kraken as I Foretold Read the Full Article »

Extra Bogus COVID-19 Omicron XBB for X-Mas — Updated

Yes, here we go again. As I wrote on October 8, super-fake Covid-1984 is making a comeback this winter. And as of yesterday, we have another invented and scripted variant of something that does not exist. And the mockery never ends! Now we have an X-variant for X-mas! Yes, I kid you not! The paid “science”-shills are that silly! The hysterical media says that this new ‘XBB’ is part of a ‘new class’ of

Extra Bogus COVID-19 Omicron XBB for X-Mas — Updated Read the Full Article »

Covid-19 “Public Health Emergency” Extended in the US – And Omicron BA.75 “Centaurus” is ‘Ludicrous’

Here comes the third, “we told you so,” and that in the span of just a few days. The Biden administration is binding time by extending the ‘public health emergency’ over something that does not exist with another three months. And it’s all scripted and done by the numbers, they way they always do it. October 13 leaves 79 remaining days in the year and this is about the ‘Public Health Emergency’ declaration first

Covid-19 “Public Health Emergency” Extended in the US – And Omicron BA.75 “Centaurus” is ‘Ludicrous’ Read the Full Article »

The Second Pandemic is Closing in – Another FAKE Omicron Variant on the Rise

I guess it’s time for the second, “We told you so,” of today. All since they let up the restrictions last year, I have been predicting a second pandemic; and during the last couple of weeks the signs has been everywhere, hence these articles: And yes, a somewhat new and totally imaginary and fictious variant made front-page-news today on July 13, and they call it the ‘worst variant.’Actually, we have seen this “BA.5” lurking

The Second Pandemic is Closing in – Another FAKE Omicron Variant on the Rise Read the Full Article »

Omicron XE Covid Variant Only Exist in the Media as a Tribute to The Jesuit Order

I wrote about this on our uncensored online community Ungovernable on April 2 as it emerged in the British press. Now, by April 4, most media outlets seem to have picked up on it. Again, it’s a new computer model of something that does not exist, as viruses and transferable diseases are an impossibility in nature. All made up bullocks to keep people in fear and fuel the multi-billion pharmaceutical industry – and of

Omicron XE Covid Variant Only Exist in the Media as a Tribute to The Jesuit Order Read the Full Article »

37-Million People are in Lockdown in China for Imaginary Omicron

Yes folks, here we go again with the biggest scam and psy-op in modern history, the staged and totally fake coronavirus pandemic. At this point in time, most people should realize that they have been conned. There is no such thing as a virus or a contagion. We’ve blown that lie out of the water a billion times. As for this story, it was announced today, March 15, 2022, on several media outlets, including

37-Million People are in Lockdown in China for Imaginary Omicron Read the Full Article »

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