
Fuel the NPC Paranoia: “Free” CON-vid-19 Tests

This piece of garbage trended the headlines over at the Jesuit CNN yesterday, September 25. Yet again, the U.S. Government provides fuel for the fear of non-existing ‘diseases’ among the weak-minded and sheepish NPC – as in those who are programmed, running on scripts, have no free will and can’t think for themselves, those who still believe in the fake and silly Covid-19 and ‘virus’ narrative.And calling it ‘free’ is another insult, as nothing […]

Fuel the NPC Paranoia: “Free” CON-vid-19 Tests Read the Full Article »

More Covid-19 Propaganda and the Targeting of Children

After weeks of small pandemic-propaganda bits during August, on the first of September, as in 1/9 (19,) we had a silly media Covid-19 ritual, claiming huge increased in “cases” within the United States, and the possibility of a new “wave.”Here in little Sweden, the media has been pushing the propaganda in small dosages almost every single day. In late August, the pseudoscience-based and extremely evil Swedish Public Health Authority (Folkhälsomyndigheten,) happily reported that a

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Covid Alarmism Returns with the Nonexistent ‘Eris’ Variant

The virus hoax has resurfaced once again with WHO lurking in the shadows, and it needs to be addressed. With that said, this will be rather short, as I’m swamped with writing nutritional programs and guides for clients, and need to save my time and energy for that (the history series will be back in a day or two.) After years of lies and deceit, most people should be aware of the virus hoax,

Covid Alarmism Returns with the Nonexistent ‘Eris’ Variant Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 21

While NASA staged their Perseverance rover on Mars in February of 2021 with ‘photoshopped’ images from Earth, the media was buzzing as of late 2000 and early 2021 about the US government and Department of Defense admitting to having a ‘secret UFO taskforce,’ The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, or UAPTF. This sparked new theories in the conspiracy realm about Project Bluebeam and a looming staged and faked alien invasion. Whether that ever will

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 21 Read the Full Article »

New ‘Arcturus’ Variant, Bird-Flu Silliness, and Cyclone to Hit Australia

As everyone should now by now, there is no such thing as a virus. No virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist or do anything they claim these pesky boogeymen do. And more importantly, contagion has never been proven, only the complete opposite. No living being can infect another with disease. Any kind of disease comes from within and it is the healing process that manifests symptoms that complete retards claim as

New ‘Arcturus’ Variant, Bird-Flu Silliness, and Cyclone to Hit Australia Read the Full Article »

The Fake Pandemic – The Rise of the Kraken as I Foretold

In my article posted in early August of 2022, about the staged and fake FBI raid at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, I wrote about their ongoing script of playing out the Book of Revelation — how Trump most likely is the Seventh King and that Obama is the Antichrist. In that article I mentioned Kraken, the Beast or the Antichrist, as a metaphor for something hidden and/or something that rises, as the Beast rose from

The Fake Pandemic – The Rise of the Kraken as I Foretold Read the Full Article »

Orwell-19 Back ‘Three’ Years Later in Beijing, China – Extremely Coded; a Lesson in Gematria

The media has hinted a ‘comeback’ for the fake Orwell-19 virus, also known as COVAIDS-1984 or simply CONvid. I’ve covered a few of these stories, and as I wrote on October 24 in my article about the RSV-scam, the most likely comeback for Orwell-19 would be back in China during December, because that would be a ritualistic ‘three’ years celebration counting from the first faked ‘patient zero.’ The obvious comeback of the fake virus

Orwell-19 Back ‘Three’ Years Later in Beijing, China – Extremely Coded; a Lesson in Gematria Read the Full Article »

Bam Margera Allegedly Hospitalized with Pneumonia and Orwell-19

There is actually a reason why I cover this, and it would make the late analytical psychologist Carl Jung very happy – not in an occult-paranormal satanic New Age kind of way, but more in a funny simulation-theory coincidence kind of way. This last Thursday, me and my brother jokingly discussed old crappy attempts at programming the youth with agenda-driven morals, values, and attitudes, and we brought up MTV’s Jackass and especially Bam Margera

Bam Margera Allegedly Hospitalized with Pneumonia and Orwell-19 Read the Full Article »

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