The thyroid gland is a ‘butterfly-shaped’ gland that is situated on the front of the lower neck. It’s sited just below your Adam’s apple, with one lobe on each side stretching upwards and downwards along the windpipe.
The thyroid gland secretes two thyroid hormones; triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) – and also a peptide hormone, calcitonin. The thyroid hormones regulate the metabolic rate, the rate in which nutrients in the body are converted into energy, and also protein synthesis. In children, they govern growth and development. Calcitonin plays a role in calcium homeostasis.
The secretion of the two thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland is regulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which is secreted from the anterior pituitary gland. TSH in turn, is regulated by thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH,) which is produced by the hypothalamus in the brain – the part of the brain that link the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland.
Understanding how the thyroid, the pituitary gland, and the hypothalamus work together, will help you understand some cases of hypothyroidism or a ‘slowed metabolism,’ as these hormones that interact with each other are constructed from key nutrients such as zinc, iodine, selenium, and the amino acid tyrosine.
Also, iron, copper, Vitamin A, and B-vitamins are needed for a fully functional thyroid. That is why we see a lot of metabolic problems in Vegans, as they quickly become deficient in zinc, iodine, iron, copper, vitamin A and most of the B-vitamins.
The best way to make sure you get all the nutrition needed for full thyroid function? Follow our species appropriate diet of animal nutrition, such as the fat and flesh of animals, and especially organ meats every now and then, as they are packed with bioavailable vitamins and minerals.
If unsure, about food quality, there might be an initial need to supplement iodine and perhaps selenium.
Thyroid issues from the perspective of German New Medicine
If your diet is on point, or at least sufficient, and you’re not a toxic vegan mess, there are other proven explanations to thyroid issues.
In German New Medicine, through countless of brain scans and resolved issues, they have determined that the thyroid gland has two control centers located in the brainstem. This explains why my thyroid hormones were shot to pieces when I had a tumor close to my brainstem in 2017 and early 2018.
The right half of the thyroid gland is controlled from the right side of the brainstem; the left half is controlled from the left brainstem hemisphere. Also, the pituitary gland shares the same brain relay.
As we discovered earlier, the thyroid produces thyroxine that regulates the rate in which nutrients are converted into energy. Initially, the thyroid was an exocrine gland that excreted hormones into the ingoing and outgoing section of the intestine in order to facilitate ingestion of food and the elimination of feces. After the gullet had broken open, the thyroid became an endocrine gland releasing its hormones directly into the bloodstream instead.
This means that on a brain-level, the thyroid is still associated with the ingestion and elimination of food. In German New Medicine terms, that means that issues can arise from biological conflicts that involves ingoing and outgoing morsel conflicts. This is symbolic to catching and eliminating food. In the past, catching and getting food was crucial to our and our family’s survival. Today it’s easier to get food. However, we are evolved beings capable of thought and our subconscious cannot differentiate between thoughts, feelings, and perceived events, threats and traumas. That means that the primitive act of “not being able to catch the food” can be the same thing as not being able to catch a promotion, or a job, or something else that is desirable, because you were too slow to act and the “desired prey” got away, i.e., the opportunity slipped out of your grasp.
This is what an “ingoing” morsel is defined as — you wanted to catch, grab, or get something that you desired, but you were too slow, or hesitated, and the opportunity slipped away. An “ingoing morsel” affects the right lobe of the thyroid.
The “outgoing morsel” conflict, which is linked to the left lobe of the thyroid, is defined as “not being fast enough to get rid of something,” as in eliminating something or getting something done (remember, it was originally linked to feces.) This could be a deadline such as a term paper, fulfilling your monthly quota, selling stocks before the market crashed, getting rid of an employee, business partner or tenant, or simply being too late with a proposal or apology. In other words, you are now suffering the consequences of being too late to finish or get rid of something, something you are aware of that you should have done a while ago.
This is commonly seen in people with competitive jobs or jobs with deadlines, such as managers, sales, athletes, marketing, journalism, manufacturing, and so on.
This also involves people who are under constant pressure to “keep up,” as in those working two or more jobs, entrepreneurs, single parents, or children/teens who are pushed by parents, teachers, or coaches to keep up because they are “too slow.”
Remember, this all comes down to the persons perception of an event. Some people thrive in a competitive environment, while others will do fine for a while until a specific conflict occurs that they react to.
In a biological sense, what is happening is that during the conflict-active phase, the thyroid gland cells proliferate in proportion to the intensity of the conflict. Our body does this to improve the secretion of thyroxine so we get more alert, energetic, and more ‘ready to go,’ so we have a better chance in the future to catch/get the desired morsel (right half of the thyroid) or to get be better equipped to get rid of an undesired morsel (left half of the thyroid.)
The result of this active conflict phase is an overactive thyroid, or ‘hyperthyroidism.’ Think of it as “needing to speed up.” People with an overactive thyroid is usually described as overexcited, energetic, nervous, irritable, and have trouble sleeping, often waking up thinking about this ‘problem.’ They feel anxious as they need to speed up to get something done. In other words, they are primed for hunting, for catching the “desired food” that got away the first time.
A lot of people who experience this might be self-aware to such a degree that they tell themselves to slow down and to seek another solution to the problem. That will often solve the conflict without them even being aware that that was the issue in the first place. They might feel speeded for a few days, having trouble sleeping, but then they change perspective or their attitude to the problem and it’s over. Many of us have experience this, especially in school before a big test if we felt we were behind and needed to catch up on our studies. Once the test is over, the conflict ends.
These conflicts can also be resolved by you actually getting what you missed the first time, or by finally eliminating something from your life that you should have done a long time ago.
However, not all people are that self-aware or in such a position that they can delegate or change the situation, and thus it can go on for a long time.
If this conflict is not resolved and goes on for a long time, the cell proliferation will form a ‘hard struma’ or ‘goiter.’ This is what happened to my mother back in 1973 while she was expecting me and she was working stables in the mornings, as a nurse at nights, and caring for race horses at the tracks in-between. She was experiencing constant pressure and stress trying to balance and do everything at once for a long time. She was hospitalized and put on medication, which only made it worse. It was not until early 1974, just months before my birth, that she moved out to our estate in the country, and began farming with my father and the conflict was resolved and she got better.
Note that a large swelling with a substantial cell proliferation might be wrongly diagnosed as thyroid cancer. It’s not, and all that is needed is to resolve the conflict, slow down, eliminate the stress associated with it, and the healing will begin.
Once the conflict has been resolved; that is, you changed something or the situation changed, and you no longer feel the need to keep up, or have the need to catch whatever you missed or need to get rid of, the healing begins. During the healing phase fungi and/or mycobacteria remove the cells that are no longer needed. Healing symptoms are pain due to the swelling, difficulties breathing and swallowing as the swelling push on the windpipe, and nightly sweats. During the healing phase you might also experience hypothyroidism, that is a temporarily slowdown of the thyroid. If the healing process is accompanied by an inflammation, this causes ‘thyroiditis.’ Note that inflammation of the thyroid, aka., ‘thyroiditis,’ is not a disease as the fraudulent medical establishment want you to believe; it’s simply a symptom of the healing phase.
It should be noted that if someone with hyperthyroidism is on or have taken a lot of antibiotics, the required microbes needed to break down the additional and unnecessary cells might not be sufficient as the antibiotics kill everything, including our garbage men, the bacteria. Consequently, the growth or goiter will remain and the overproduction of thyroxine will continue with lasting hyperthyroidism, even though the conflict has been resolved. This is true for most “diseases” and is a real danger that comes from useless medication that attacks the symptoms instead of the cause.
Once the healing phase is completed, the thyroxine production will return to normal. However, if the healing is continually interrupted by conflict relapses, the switch between proliferation and breakdown back and forth may result in a loss of working thyroid gland tissue causing a chronic underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, also known as Hashimoto’s disease. Some say that Hashimoto’s is caused by iodine deficiency, but that does not explain why the right or left thyroid lobe is affected or both. If this occurs, full healing might not be possible, not even with our species appropriate diet and fasting, and thus supplementing thyroxine might be needed.
So, to conclude. Hypothyroidism, the slowdown of your metabolic rate which causes fatigue and low energy, is often from nutrition deficiencies as mentioned at the beginning of the article. It can also occur if you first experienced hyperthyroidism from a conflict and are now in the healing phase, or if you had relapses, so that your thyroid has been injured and is underperforming.
As for hypothyroidism, an overactive thyroid, it’s usually from being in a conflict-active phase from an ingoing or outgoing morsel as described earlier.
Remember that your body never does anything wrong. It only reacts to what you are doing. If you do not feed it properly, it will do the best it can for as long as possible with what it gets, but processes will be slowed down or shut down and your health will suffer.
The same is true for conflicts and mental trauma. It will try to adapt to better serve you in the future for as long as that threat exists and might reappear. Once the threat is over, when the conflict has been resolved, that adaptation is no longer needed and will be removed.
And finally, if you ingest or expose yourself to toxins and poison, it will try to expel it to its best capabilities. If it can’t keep up due to the amount you put in, or due to stress or nutrition deficiencies, the toxins will build up and you will get really sick or even develop tumors to shield off the toxins from tissues.
If you understand these scenarios and the fact that your body is never wrong, that it only reacts, then it will be much easier to understand symptoms and figure out what might be wrong.
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