Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill Becomes the Focus of April Fools Day

Fools indeed! On that day, the phrase ‘Don’t Say Gay,’ becomes the big focus of the media – and again, by no surprise.

April 1 = 4/1 = 41

Don’t Say Gay = 41

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would be open to stripping Walt Disney Co. of its special self-governing status over its public opposition to the recently enacted “Don’t Say Gay” law.

Self Governing = 153, 72
April Fools Day = 153, 72
Jesuit Order 153, 72

Gov. Ron DeSantis = 57
Self Governing = 57
The Jesuits = 57

Walt Disney Co. = 51, 60
Joke is on You = 51, 60
April Fools = 51, 60

More scripted silliness to entertain the sleeping masses, all by the numbers. Also, it would come as no surprise if DeSantis becomes president in 2024… But that’s for another article.

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