Late October 2024 Update

On October 9 I began a heavy detoxification cycle of my sinuses, which I wrote about on October 11, just before it got really bad. The background with my childhood and the doctors destroying my sinuses by flushing them is all in that blog post, so let’s continue from there.

The detoxification lasted for about five to six days. During this time my throat was so sore and swollen that I could hardly swallow, so I mostly fasted. I also got a dry cough as soon as I laid back or laid down, so I only slept for 20 to 45 minutes a few times a day during this time — amounting to about 7 to 8 hours of total sleep over 6 days.

Of course, when the detox hit me, I had just begun working with three new clients, two of which had really serious health (organ) issues. So, once the headache, fever and throat cleared up a little, I felt awfully behind on all my work. And I did as most of us do, way too much and way too soon. The sleep deprivation caught up with me within two days, and I was totally burnt out for a few days until I had got some quality sleep and slowly began working with my clients again — and around October 23 I was pretty much caught up, with only a few consultations remaining.
And that’s why there was a gap of almost two weeks between my daily articles, as I had to prioritize my recovery and my clients.

Now, as for future updates and articles, I will continue writing and publishing about 5 to 6 free articles a week. Yes, that is a little step backwards from one every single day, but I need to put food on the table, and while I have many generous donors for this website, it’s not enough to justify spending 3+ hours every single day year-round working for free. How many does that? With that said, 5 free articles a week of high quality is still much more than anyone else publishes by themselves on the internet. Also, there are other ventures I want to pursue, and with a very limited number of hours available each day where I have full mental energy, I have to choose wisely where I put in the work.

And that takes us to a common question I get about my daily schedules. What do my days look like? Well, here’s a simple breakdown, and it might help illustrate how much work actually goes into all my free material — and how much I still do in a day while recovering from mental fatigue and brain fog from 2017/2018. I usually have 3 to 6 hours of real energy every day and I’m pretty much shot in the afternoon and evenings. 

Gym Days (3 to 4 a week)

3:45 am. Waking up, hydrating
4:00 am. — 4:30 am. Walking my dogs.
4:45 am. Meal 1 of 3, and deciding what to write about
5:00 — 6:45 am. Writing my free article
7:00 am. — 7:45 am. At the gym 
8:00 am. — 9:30 am. Meal 2 of 3, fixing research notes and publishing the article
9:45 am. — 10:30 am. Walking my dogs
10:45 am. — 1:15 pm. Working with clients
1:45 pm. Meal 3 of 3
2:00 pm. Feeding the dogs
2:15 pm. — 3.00 pm. Clients or social media 
3:15 pm. — 5.30 pm. Evening walk with other dog owners
6:00 pm. — 6:45 pm. Checking a few messages/friends/family
7:00 pm. — 8:30 p.m. Winding down, relaxing, time with the dogs
8:45 pm. Go to sleep

Every other day (3 to 4 a week)

3:45 am. Waking up, hydrating
4:00 am. — 4:30 am. Walking my dogs.
4:45 am. Meal 1 of 2 and deciding what to write about
5:00 — 6:45 am. Writing my free article
6:45 am. — 8:00 am. Fixing research notes and publishing the article
8:30 am. — 9:15 am. Doing errands/shopping
9:30 am. — 10:15 am. Walking my dogs
10:30 am. — 1:15 pm. Working with clients
1:30 pm. Meal 2 of 2
2:00 pm. Feeding the dogs
2:15 pm. — 3.00 pm. Clients or social media 
3:15 pm. — 5.30 pm. Evening walk with other dog owners
6:00 pm. — 6:45 pm. Checking a few messages/social media
7:00 pm. — 8:30 p.m. Winding down, relaxing, time with the dogs
8:45 pm. Go to sleep

At times, depending on appetite and how much I’ve moved around, I might have an extra small meal when I get home from my last dog walk, at around 5:45 p.m. As it will be rather small, it’s fully digested in three hours and before I go to bed at 8:45 p.m.

And yes, my schedule is pretty much the same for any day of the week. I do not do the retarded weekdays and weekends thing. So, even if I only can fit in 3 hours of client work a day, it’s 7 days a week. And that’s why I need to step down the free stuff just a tiny bit, to free up another 3 to 6 hours a week — especially if I want to write some books again.

And if you’re curious about the impact of my detoxification and not being able to sleep or eat for six days, so yes, I did lose some weight. About 6 kg actually. From 78 kg down to 72 kg. Some body fat and a lot of intracellular water weight as I did not visit the gym for two weeks. You do not really lose any muscle mass in that short period of time, but your muscles do shrink as they’re not being used or fed. So glycogen stores go down (due to inactivity) and especially intracellular fluids.

Now, I was back at the gym this Thursday and Friday, and today, Saturday morning, my weight is about 73.5 kg. So, 1.5 kg in two days — and I will likely reach 76 kg or so in a few more days, although yet again a bit leaner than previously. I’ll try to get some new photos.

And yes, Odin is thriving. His coat is transforming and he put on some muscle mass.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

Coaching and Consultation

And if you found the article and my insights helpful and enjoy my daily free information, please consider donating to help pay the webhosting bills and keep the site running. And if you’re interested in discussing and sharing information with likeminded people, consider joining our uncensored community at Thank you!

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