Today we return to and a review of yet another idiotic study where they fail to explain what they found and how dangerous to your health it actually is.
Also, this should be a no-brainer as we know that curcumin is a very potent poison and that synthetic melatonin is not the same as the melatonin naturally produced by the body, even if the chemical structure is almost identical and it can bind to melatonin receptors. But before we go deeper into biochemistry and real science, let’s see what these muppets did.
What was studied?
“The effect of toothpaste containing curcumin, melatonin, or curcumin + melatonin on the composition of the periodontal microbiome.
Specifically, the outcomes included the periodontal bacterial load of saprophytes (microorganisms that feed on dead or decaying organic matter) and pathogenic bacteria (microorganisms that can cause disease or infection).”
Well, both curcumin and melatonin have “antioxidant” and “antimicrobial” effects. And anything that is not animal-based and labeled as an “antioxidant” is not compatible with human physiology as it is an “antioxidant” in a plant that is totally different biologically than a human being of flesh and blood. Thus, what these muppets call “antioxidant properties” will simply be very toxic and damaging properties if ingested by a human. This is basic level biology and biochemistry.

So, if used within the mouth, as in a toothpaste, some bacteria might be killed and reduced, all while there will also be damage to any tissues within the mouth that these toxins come in contact with. That is simple common sense.
Who was studied?
“20 adults (average age of 31; 12 men, 8 women) without known health conditions.”
Ok, carry on.
How was it studied?
“An 8-week randomized controlled trial was conducted in which the participants were allocated to one of the following interventions:
- Standard toothpaste (placebo)
- Toothpaste containing curcumin
- Toothpaste containing melatonin
- Toothpaste containing curcumin + melatonin
All of the participants received oral hygiene instructions to follow for the duration of the trial.”
Natural melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in the brain through a four-step pathway using L-tryptophan as a precursor. Artificial melatonin as a supplement is synthesized using toxic solvents and catalysts, and while the molecular structure of natural and synthetic melatonin is almost identical, the synthetic version may have varying levels of purity and potency. Also, the synthetic version will have a different profile of antioxidant activity, as it’s not a natural bioactive source of melatonin, which means that it will damage cells.

Curcumin is a toxic plant defense chemical with antimicrobial properties where it disrupts cell membranes, effectively killing some microorganisms but also damaging any human cells it comes in contact with.

Now, while both these compounds are toxic, using them in a toothpaste will limit exposure to the mouth area and it’s also a very time-limited exposure. Although, some absorption will occur (through the mucous membranes) and some of the compounds will reach the bloodstream, the amounts are very small. Also, curcumin is mostly dangerous if ingested as it’s very toxic to the epithelial cells, as in the thin layer of cells that lines the outer surfaces of organs and structures within the body. So simply having it in your mouth and then spit it out should mitigate most of that damage. Well, let’s see what happened in their otiose study.
What were the results?
“The bacterial load of saprophytes increased with the toothpastes that contained curcumin, melatonin, and curcumin + melatonin and decreased with the placebo toothpaste, and the differences between the intervention toothpastes and the placebo toothpaste were statistically significant. In terms of effect size, the largest increase in saprophyte bacterial load was observed with the curcumin + melatonin toothpaste, followed by the melatonin toothpaste and the curcumin toothpaste, and the difference between the curcumin + melatonin toothpaste and the curcumin toothpaste was statistically significant.”
This is not a good thing. Remember, they even mentioned that saprophyte bacteria’s primary function is to break down dead and decaying organic matter, which includes dead cells and other debris. If there was such debris from the food ingested, saprophyte bacteria should decrease when you clean out the mouth and remove all that debris. Instead, the saprophyte bacterial load increased after using the toothpaste with curcumin and melatonin. This can only mean that these two toxic compounds damaged and killed cells within the mouth and thus saprophytic bacteria multiplied to clear out the waste so the body can begin its healing process.

In other words, this confirms the toxicity of curcumin and artificial melatonin, and that is from a very short exposure to the mouth only. Just imagine what would happen if ingested. While artificial melatonin is a simple indoleamine compound and will quickly be converted and used by the body while producing some toxic waste products, curcumin is plant-based and therefore completely incompatible with our body, doing great damage, especially to the liver (as we have proven in previous articles.)
“Pathogenic bacterial load decreased with the toothpastes that contained curcumin, melatonin, and curcumin + melatonin and increased with the placebo toothpaste, and the differences between the intervention toothpastes and the placebo toothpaste were statistically significant. In terms of effect size, the largest decrease in pathogenic bacterial load was observed with the curcumin + melatonin toothpaste, followed by the melatonin toothpaste and the curcumin toothpaste, and the difference between the curcumin + melatonin toothpaste and the curcumin toothpaste was statistically significant.”
As both compounds are antimicrobial, this is no surprise. The problem with this is that while any kind of bacteria that ferments on unnatural compounds such as carbohydrates/sugar and fiber can be very damaging to the teeth and the tissues and thus need to be kept low or eliminated, other bacteria is needed for removing toxic compounds as well as dead cells and other debris. And this highlights once again the retarded backwards thinking of the medical community and that of many researchers (and most of the sleeping masses,) just like the little muppets behind this ridiculous study.

For anyone else, with a higher level of understanding, killing bacteria is an idiotic idea, unless your body is extremely weak and at the brink of failing. Instead, you should eliminate anything that is not natural and not species-appropriate, as it is only these compounds that can increase bacteria that we obviously do not need and that can actually harm our tissues due to their fermentation and cleaning processes.

In other words, if you remove carbohydrates and fiber from your diet, there will never be any “pathogenic,” as in potentially destructive, bacteria in your mouth or in your colon. Thus, there will not be a need for stupid toothpastes that do much more harm than good. Actually, if you follow our natural species appropriate carnivore diet, you do not even need to brush your teeth more than every once in a while, which is a very good thing as daily brushing destroys your gum, your enamel and bacterial defense.

A very simple toothpaste can consist of a drop of coconut oil or simply water with a pinch of bicarbonate and sea salt. Coconut oil is slightly antimicrobial and can be a good choice if you consume dairy or something with a small amount of net carbs, while water is better for keeping the needed diversity of beneficial bacteria.
Anything else I need to know?
“Although the decrease in pathogenic bacterial load is beneficial, the increase in saprophyte bacterial load is not necessarily an improvement because their overgrowth could disrupt the balance of the oral microbiome.”
Again, not the whole truth if you understand microbiology and physiology. The increase in saprophytic bacteria is a temporary and natural result of the damage done to the cells in the mouth by these two toxic compounds. The real problem when we consider the balance of our oral microbiome is the beneficial bacteria that might be killed by these compounds in tandem with the “pathogenic” bacteria. This is what will really upset the balance. And again, totally unnecessarily considering that the problem of “pathogenic” bacteria is a result of consuming the completely wrong foods for our species in the first place. Always go after and eliminate the main cause of the problem, as in this case the diet, and never focus on the symptoms.

“The trial was funded by VITALEX HC SR, the manufacturer of the curcumin + melatonin toothpaste used in the trial.”
And that’s why they did not mention anything of what I’ve added to the review of this ridiculous study. I bet they will only focus on the reduction of “pathogenic” bacteria in their advertisement campaigns.
Again, symptoms and effects are simply clues, you need to identify the underlying problem and remove it. And in this case, as it is about oral health, it is the diet, and especially the misguided consumption of carbohydrates and fiber. If you adhere to our natural human diet, as in carnivore, you will never have any oral health problems. Actually, your teeth will begin to remineralize and heal.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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