World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 3

In part 2, we covered the ‘invasion’ of the giant-like Pleiadeans, synonymous with the ‘fallen angels’ and how their interbreeding led to a second era in Atlantis with the creation of a ruling class, that of ‘priest kings,’ that of royals, who claimed to have the ‘blue blood’ of both the ‘reptilian-like’ overlords, the Anunnaki, and that of the fallen angels. As the descendants wandered out of Atlantis and into the mainland, they interbred with the indigenous people and formed new cultures based on different classes and slavery where the ‘purest’ ruled the people, those who saw themselves as royal, as demigods. Their knowledge of astrology and ability to predict celestial events made people believe the priest kings were magicians and descendants of God.

This however, did not happen without resistance and rebellion as they ruled through worship, fear, and sacrifice rituals. When the resistance escalated the former Atlanteans turned to the practice of child sacrifice and even cannibalism, as in Kronos (Greek mythology,) or Saturn (Roman mythology,) devouring his own children. This was said to be a great sin and the reptilian overlords, the Anunnaki, intervened by stopping them. The fallen angel Samyaza and his group of fallen angels called Grigori (the Watchers) who had unleashed forbidden knowledge were punished and locked up, while the group with Lucifer remained free to roam the Earth. This is reflected in the Sumerian legend of Enki (Lucifer) who had sympathy for humans while Enlil was opposed to enlightenment of humans.

Meanwhile in Atlantis, some of the younger ‘demigods’ of the Cain-bloodlines, who are equally advanced as their overlords, but have some human DNA feel pity for the human race and rebel against their masters. They leave Atlantis/the Garden, and move east to the land of Nod. In Christianity, they are the biblical Wanderers, the wise men, the nomads who live in tents with camels.
According to legend they reach the old lands of Lemuria (now covered by the Pacific Ocean) where they start a new technological civilization of builders and sailors (symbolic for masonry and seafaring, as in Admiralty Maritime law.)

This separation, and the newly founded civilization, ignites a conflict between the priests of Lemuria and the civilization of Atlantis at around 29.000 BC.
The Lemurian priests and their builders construct buildings and monuments on specific ley lines (dragon lines) based on sacred geometry, mirroring the stars to harvest, shape, and dominate the feminine energy of the Earth, which was also a tribute to the dragon of Draco, the rulers of Earth and Heaven.
They begin to perform rituals, led by ‘druids.’ These rituals take place during the equinoxes and solstices with the intention to work as dimensional portals, symbolic to a sacred marriage of the divine masculine and the divine feminine – a metaphor for the cycle of the seasons, death and rebirth.

This time period is symbolic to that of the renegade group of fallen angels led by Lucifer and their interaction with the females of the Adamic race, as in Eve biting the apple of the serpent. They tell humans that they can become like the gods and they teach them about ‘magic,’ technology, genetics, and the higher dimensions through the use of psychoactive plants, as in symbolically consuming the fruit of the Tree of knowledge. In Sumerian mythology this is the concept of “me,” a set of divine powers or attributes possessed by the gods, given to humans in the shape of tiny objects, encoded with formulas and conditions that made civilization possible.

The human race now learns about the Tree of Life, how the Anunnaki stay young and immortal by drinking blood and bathing in nutrients, as in bodily fluids. It is said that menstrual blood contains ‘starfire,’ valuable endocrinal secretions from the pineal and pituitary. This is the basis for ‘Elixir Rubeus’ in Aleister Crowley’s Thelema religion, which is an elixir used in sex magic consisting of menstrual blood and semen, referred to as the effluvium of Babalon, the Scarlet Woman.

They also start to perform rituals based on Amrita, a Sanskrit word that means “immortality” and is a central concept within Indian religions. It is referred to as an elixir containing semen, urine, and female ejaculation juice, also called the ‘Food of the Gods.’ The ones who provided the blood and the ‘Amrita’ for these rituals were called ‘Beloved,’ hence Amor/Amour.
These rituals to stay young, healthy and reach immortality like the Anunnaki is also represented in the emblem of medicine; the chalice (vessel,) representing the female womb, with a serpent coiled around it. The holder of the serpent’s cup is the one with the knowledge of healing and immortality, as in Set/Seth (Satan,) as in the sons of Lucifer.

Since the reptilian overlords are androgynous and when they produce offspring, the child is said to be ‘born of a virgin.’ The reptilians see their parthenogenesis, their virgin birth, as in reproducing without a partner as a sign of divinity. This concept becomes a part of rituals, as virgins are seen as pure and divine, and the concept of virgin birth is later adopted into religions.

This is the time period and era of the Nephilim, the fallen angels, who said to be the ‘sons of god,’ and humans are referred to as the ‘daughters of men,’ as the Nephilim saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they married any of them they chose. Their offspring produced giants who practiced gross sin in the world.
The fallen angels became synonymous with Venus, as in the light-bringer Lucifer, as it is the brightest object in the sky, rivaling the sun.

Around 24.000 BC it is said that a new cycle begun, the ‘Great Year,’ an astrological concept of a cycle lasting 26.000 years, in which the equinoxes complete a circle around the ecliptic. Most cultures have mythology about a fall in consciousness and the promise of a new golden age during this cycle.
The bible describes world empires in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, the second and greatest king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, as different stages of metals (gold, silver, brass, iron, clay.) Genesis describes the fall of consciousness, and the Book of Revelation describes the End times as a battle between Christ and Lucifer, with Jesus Christ calling himself the Alpha and Omega.
In Hinduism the Yuga cycle describes the transition from the Kali Yuga (iron) to the Satya Yuga (gold.) In the writings of Greek philosopher Plato, which actually was invented by the House of Medici, the Great Year describes a period of 36.000 years.
Freemasonry sees itself as the modern survival of ancient cosmic science with its inception at 4.000 BC, at the start of the Age of Taurus (the 4 cardinal signs.) The Freemason’s ‘Great Work’ is synonymous with the claimed royal elite bloodlines, the Saturn cult and the Roman Catholic Church with their Jesuit Order, as in rebuilding their technological civilization that were lost through controlling the educational system, cutting human beings off from nature and the sun, putting them in the Saturn-Moon matrix with the transgender agenda, returning everyone to a hive mind and to an androgynous state of the reptilian overlords.

And this brings us to the second step in the ‘takeover,’ the Aeon of Isis, and the appearance of the Moon at around 15.000 BC. We will cover this in the next part.

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