This story trended yesterday as Oklahoma sheriffs allegedly found 7 bodies in a search for two missing teens.
According to the media, Jesse L. McFadden, the 39-year-old sex offender, was found dead at his home in Henryetta, Oklahoma, with two missing teenage girls and a total of seven bodies.
Allegedly, McFadden was set to stand trial on charges of solicitation of a minor at 9 a.m. Monday but failed to show up, and authorities then discovered the bodies while executing a search warrant on his property.
Well, that might all sound believable. However, this happened on May 1st, the birthday of the Order of Illuminati, and we know that every breaking story is scripted, staged, or re-written to fit the numbers.

So, what are the odds that this alleged sex offender goes by a name that is a perfect match to the Illuminati? And in not only one way, but three. Well, it’s very rare, but it happens. However, what are the odds that he’s in the news and found dead among 7 bodies on the birthday of the Illuminati, the order that his alleged name fits so perfectly? And that his home in ‘Henryetta’ also matches the Illuminati? Well, that is near impossible odds.

Jesse L. McFadden = 120, 48, 114, 720
Illuminati = 120, 48, 114, 720

Jesse L. McFadden = 258, 1548
Order of Illuminati = 258, 1548

Jesse McFadden = 108
Order of the Illuminati = 108

Henryetta = 127
Bavarian Illuminati = 127 (the original name of the order)
May 1st was the 121st day of the year, and this is a story featuring an alleged ’39-year-old sex offender,’ and 7 bodies, like a sacrifice.

39-Year-Old = 121
Sex Offender = 121
Blood Sacrifice = 121
7 bodies also fit with a masonic killing ritual.

7 Bodies = 115, 43, 43, 105
Masonic = 115, 43, 43, 105
Killing = 115, 43, 43, 105
The governor of Oklahoma is John Kevin Stitt, who was born on December 28, 1972, and this story allegedly happened on May 1st, on the 4th month and 4th day of his current age, like 44, the kill-number that just happen to fit the script of this story perfectly. The teen girls in the story were allegedly last seen at 1:30 a.m. Monday, in Henryetta.

1:30 a.m. Monday = 44
1:30 a.m. = 44
Henryetta = 44
Kill = 44
7 Killed = 44
Of course, excluding the end-date, this Masonic killing and discovery of 7 bodies allegedly happened 4 months and 3 days, like 43, after the governor’s birthday.

7 Bodies = 43
Masonic = 43 (again!)
Killing = 43 (again!)
Freemasons = 43
Counting forward, it happened 241-days before the governor’s next birthday, and 241 is the 53rd prime number. And this story was mainly about two ‘teen girls’ who went missing and ended up killed.

Teen Girls = 53
Killed = 53
And while this allegedly happened on May 1st, it was reported in the “News” on May 2, the day leaving 243-days remaining in the year.

Jesse McFadden = 243
May 2 also came with a 50-date numerology. A perfect day for as story about a sex offender delivered by your Jesuit news outlet.
5/2/2023 = 5 + 2 + 20 + 23 = 50

McFadden = 50
Sex Offender = 50
Jesuits = 50
So, not only does the date match with the alleged perpetrator’s age, location and name, but his name also matches the Order of Illuminati in three ways on the day of the organization’s birthday. That’s way too many coincidences even for a seasoned coincidence theorist to ignore.
The world is a stage folks, and every breaking story is scripted.
Unfortunately, I’m running out of time. I do know however, that Joseph Acquaviva will be all over this in the morning, Florida-time, and I’ll try to update the article with his decoding later in the day.