At least 84 dead? Of course… not fabricated numbers at all!

The Jesuit Order = 84 (the order writing the script)
Jesuit = 84 (the order writing the script)
The Catholic Church = 84 (the home of the Jesuits)
United States of America = 84 (their main stage for these rituals)
Weather Control = 84 (what was used in this ritual)
Electromagnetic Wave = 84 (used in weather warfare)

And let’s not forget that Weather Control is 201 in Reverse Ordinal, just as The Jesuit Order is 201 in the same cipher. They also share the same gematria in three of the four standard English ciphers.
And this was reported on December 11, 2021, the “kill” date. A date with 64-, 28-, and 44-numerology, with 20 days remaining in the year, which corresponds with the gematria of “death”.
December 11, 2021 = 12/11/2021 = 1+2 + 1+1 + (20) + (21) = 44
December 11, 2021 = 12/11/2021 = (12) + (10) + 20 + 21 = 64
December 11, 2021 = 12/11/2021 = (12) + (11) + 2+0+2+1 = 28

Kill = 44, 64, 28

Death = 20
Previous decodes of these man-made tornadoes are here: