Death Ritual

Jacques Delors, Destroyer of Europe, Dead at 98

Another ‘elitist’ serpent in Jacques Delors went to hell on December 27, 2023, 4 weeks on the day after the death of ‘elitist’ Henry Kissinger (November 29, 2023.) Delors, a Socialist, had a high-profile political career in France, where he served as finance minister under President François Mitterrand in the early 1980s, before becoming president of the European Commission in 1985. The European Commission was established in 1958, only a year after the Treaty […]

Jacques Delors, Destroyer of Europe, Dead at 98 Read the Full Article »

Matthew Perry “Dead” by The Numbers, or is He?

As I’m pressed for time this morning, this will be a short summary of the much-debated Matthew Perry’s alleged death. First and foremost, you need to realize that every single celebrity, star, and public figure on the world stage that get exposure is heavily controlled. They only let people that they control get exposure. These people are either mind-controlled puppets, as in under contract and controlled by handlers, or they are in the club,

Matthew Perry “Dead” by The Numbers, or is He? Read the Full Article »

Murder by Numbers: Kathy Whitworth, Ronan Vibert, and Dax Tejera

Again, we have celebrities “dying suddenly” or from “short illness,” something that seem to happen pretty much daily now. As I’ve covered many times previous, this is not from the magic potion, the hokey pokey, as they gaslight baby-truthers and anti-vaxxers to believe, but from ritual sacrifices – as they’ve done for hundred of years. Nothing new, except that they have stepped it up a notch. Something bigger is likely at the horizon. I

Murder by Numbers: Kathy Whitworth, Ronan Vibert, and Dax Tejera Read the Full Article »

Soccer Journalist Grant Wahl and Ronnie Turner Dead by the Numbers – And Celine Dion’s Stiff-Person Syndrome (Not the Poke)

As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, these “celeb” deaths or weird ‘diseases’ are being reported pretty much every day now. And again, none of these “celebrities” have taken the poke, the clot shot. The other day Celine Dion was said to have “Stiff-Person Syndrome” all by the numbers. Of course, this is one of the made-up side-effects printed on page 8 of Pfizer’s “5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports,” which

Soccer Journalist Grant Wahl and Ronnie Turner Dead by the Numbers – And Celine Dion’s Stiff-Person Syndrome (Not the Poke) Read the Full Article »

More Celebrity Deaths by The Numbers – Power Rangers and Supernatural Actors

It’s almost like clockwork now. A few celebrity deaths put in between the other big hoaxes on the news, like the extremely fake Halloween stampede in Seoul or the staged and fake shooting at the Q Club. It’s actually hard to keep up, but when we do, they are all done by the numbers. The other day, Jason David Frank, who played the ‘Green’ Power Ranger called Tommy Oliver, allegedly died of suicide at

More Celebrity Deaths by The Numbers – Power Rangers and Supernatural Actors Read the Full Article »

Watermelon Smashing Gallagher Dead on the Release of Black Panther 2 – And Voice of Batman, Conroy, Dead at ‘66’

Something is up. There have been more “celeb” deaths in the past weeks than in a very long time, and as always, all of them by the numbers. Actually, there are currently so many “dying” (or retiring,) that CNN have started a new column on their website called ‘People we’ve lost.’ Since my last article about this on November 10, where we had three musicians die within a day of each other, we now

Watermelon Smashing Gallagher Dead on the Release of Black Panther 2 – And Voice of Batman, Conroy, Dead at ‘66’ Read the Full Article »

The Coolio Distraction – Hoax? Actually Dead? Retired, or What? — Updated 2

The most bizarre distraction during Tuesday and Wednesday was the “death” of rapper Coolio. I have to be honest; I had no idea who this ‘Coolio’ character was. I’m not into false idol worshipping or brain-rot retarded music played to brainwash the dumbed down masses, but the story had an interesting twist to it. It seems that it all started on Tuesday with a ‘R.I.P. Coolio’ Facebook page that received more than a million

The Coolio Distraction – Hoax? Actually Dead? Retired, or What? — Updated 2 Read the Full Article »

Kim Mi-soo, actress in Netflix’s Hellbound dies on the 666th day of the fake Pandemic in Revelation 13 Ritual

There surely has been a lot of death and killing rituals lately, and I foresee that this will increase during the year, as we most likely will se the passing of Queen Elizabeth (March or September) and many other celebrities. As for Kim Mi-soo, she starred in the satanic Korean Netflix show ‘Hellbound.’ A show about demons appearing to claim souls for hell after the victim has received a warning and a time when

Kim Mi-soo, actress in Netflix’s Hellbound dies on the 666th day of the fake Pandemic in Revelation 13 Ritual Read the Full Article »

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