Today’s date has weather modification/warfare numerology

Today, September 11, 2021, is both 25 and 52 in numerology, the codes used for weather modification warfare. And as always, it’s a slam dunk!

The “super” typhoon ‘Chanthu’ or ‘Kiko’, is supposed to hit Taiwan today – all by the numbers. I might do a quick decode of this later, but most of you should know by now that the majority of all big weather catastrophes are man-made. Especially on days with 25- and/or 52-numerology…

Days left in year: 111
Super Typhoon Chanthu = 111 (Reverse Single Reduction)

(9) + (11) + (21) = 41
Typhoon = 41 (Full Reduction)

9 + 1+1 + (21) = 32
Chanthu = 320 = 32 (Satanic)

September Eleven = 77 (Reverse Full Reduction)
Super Typhoon Kiko = 77 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Nine Eleven = 48 (Reverse Full Reduction)
Typhoon Kiko = 48 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Nine Eleven = 51 (Full Reduction)
Chanthu = 51 (Reverse Single Reduction)

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