Today we’ll look at yet another useless study as summarized by This time, a couple of uneducated researchers thought that some toxins would protect their gullible study participants from UV-induced skin damage. Oh, the poor fools.
Quick Summary
“In this 16-week randomized controlled trial involving 36 middle-aged men in Thailand with no known health conditions, the researchers wanted to examine the effect on UV-induced skin damage after a daily consumption of chewable tablets containing freeze-dried banana pulp and hemp seed oil.”
Totally useless freeze-dried banana pulp and toxic vile hemp seed oil, seriously? Did none of them attend any classes in biochemistry? Well, of course not. The only qualification needed for becoming a researcher is that you can waste money on the most retarded ideas and stuff possible.
Key study details
“The tablets in the intervention group provided 8 to 10 milligrams of beta-carotene and 400 milligrams of polyunsaturated fatty acids daily.”
Beta-carotene is not even bioavailable or usable by the human body in its natural plant-based form. It’s a red-orange pigment, a toxic carotenoid, as in a defense chemical or “antioxidant” found in plants and fruits, as in toxic crap that is not species-appropriate for humans and will cause tissue damage and toxic accumulation. Remember, plants are chemically different from biological humans, and what is an “antioxidant” in a plant will be a highly destructive toxin in a human body!

With that said, in favorable conditions, a small percentage of the very toxic beta-carotene can be converted into vitamin A within the human body, as in the bioactive vitamin retinol that is only found in animal-based foods. Thus, anyone with half a brain cell would therefore use any kind of animal-based food to boost vitamin A levels, as in retinol levels, and not some retarded plant-based toxic crap such as freeze-dried banana pulp.

And plant-based polyunsaturated fatty acids are also very toxic to the human body and totally worthless, as they are chemically different to animal-based PUFAs — not to mention that they go rancid the moment they are exposed to oxygen and/or sunlight. And if the researchers manage to put these vulnerable fatty acids into tablets, they were without a doubt rancid and oxidized as heck and thus even more useless, toxic and damaging. Way to go!

Humans only need saturated fats, cholesterol, and small amounts of animal-based polyunsaturated fats in the form of omega-3’s. Anything plant-based is totally useless and will cause a lot of oxidation damage. Not good at all. I’ve covered all this in-depth in many previous articles.
“UV skin damage was assessed 24 hours after UV irradiation at 1.5 times each participant’s minimal erythema dose (the smallest amount of UV radiation that causes visible redness on the skin within 24 hours). Skin density was measured on the right forearm.”
Well, consuming the crap mentioned above will not improve the body’s ability to benefit from sunlight or tolerate high levels of UV radiation. You do not need my 35+ years of experience and research in this field to understand this. A child could figure it out.
“After 16 weeks, the daily consumption of chewable tablets containing freeze-dried banana pulp and hemp seed oil had no effect on UV skin damage or skin density”
Of course not, as freeze-dried banana only contains toxic beta-carotene and not the real bioactive retinol (vitamin A,) which is only found in animal-based foods, and especially in organ meats and raw milk. And hemp seed oil with its toxic oxidized polyunsaturated fats will only contribute to the toxic load of the body, with zero positive effects as it’s not species-appropriate.
Another totally useless and retarded study.
Examine’s take
“Despite the study’s abstract suggesting the banana pulp and hemp seed oil provided benefits, there were no statistically significant differences between the intervention and placebo groups.”
There can be no benefits of anything plant-based as plants are chemically different to biological carnivorous beings like humans. Plants store “nutrients” bound to metals, cellulose, or other carbohydrate-like compounds which make them almost useless and also toxic to humans, as humans and animals store nutrients such as vitamins and minerals bound to proteins, as in amino acids. A huge difference.

We can only get fully bioavailable and bioactive nutrients without any toxicity by consuming animals that store their nutrients in the exact same way as we do. That is simple logic, it’s common sense.

Anything plant-based will be toxic to our bodies, and the small amount we might be able to convert into something useful will not negate the enormous toxic damage provided by what is not converted, including all the antinutrients, defense chemicals, heavy metals, and pesticide residues. The damage done by anything plant-based or processed is enormous and can never be rectified by the abysmally small amount of nutrition someone might be able to extract from it. Again, common sense.
The only way to benefit from sun exposure is to be fully nourished, as in following an animal-based diet. It’s one of the most reported benefits among the people who find their way back to our natural human diet — that they can finally be in the sun again without getting red, without getting burnt, without even noticing it. And that is how it should be, as we are made for being in nature and being exposed to the sun. It’s natural.
Anyone who is sensitive to sunlight and/or UV radiation is simply malnourished, as in not getting enough animal-based foods. They have one or several nutrient deficiencies, and vitamin A, as in retinol, is usually one of them, and so is the lack of saturated fats and cholesterol. It’s that simple and very easy to remedy.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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