Michael Obama Wishes Barack a Happy Birthday: ‘You Always Make Me Proud’

So, transvestite, man turned “woman,” known as “Michelle” Obama wrote in a tribute to his partner Barack, which went viral in the media, that “you always make me proud.”

Now, if a phrase gets plastered all over the fake media, we know that it is coded.

First off, Barack’s birthday was on August 4, like 8/4, or 84. Not that many words or phrases sums to 84. However, this one does in perfect synchronization with the date and Obama’s allegiance.

You Always Make Me Proud = 84
Divide and Conquer = 84 (one of their mottos)
The Jesuit Order = 84 (his masters, the order writing the script)
Ignatius of Loyola = 84 (the founder of Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order)
Saturn Worship = 84 (what they worship, Saturn, the Sun God)
Knowledge is Power = 84
Obama = 84

“Knowledge is Power” share ‘201’ and ‘84’ with ‘The Jesuit Order’ in the English ciphers. An important phrase for the secret societies who strive for knowledge.

Then we have an ongoing psyop, a hoax, in the extremely silly non-existent Monkeypox virus. Remember, the Biden Administration declared ‘Monkeypox’ a “Public Health Emergency” on Obama’s birthday, on 8/4. And again, we have a perfect match, and also with his handlers, his masters.

Monkeypox = 105
You Always Make Me Proud = 105
Order of Illuminati = 105 (created by Jesuits, made Freemasonry)
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 105 (Pope Francis)
Masonry = 105

(Also note that 105 was recently used again, in the Israeli airstrike on August 5.)

Actually, making Monkeypox and emergency on Obama’s birthday fits with Michael’s phrase.

You Always Make Me Proud = 80, 77
Monkeypox Emergency = 80, 77
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 77

“Iesus Hominum Salvator,” or ‘IHS,’ is the inscription on the sigil of the Jesuit Order.

When looking at multiple matches, we have…

You Always Make Me Proud = 84, 93, 105
Knowledge is Power = 84, 93
Order of Illuminati = 93, 105
The Jesuit Order = 84, 93

And that sums it up. The hidden knowledge within the secret societies, the knowledge of their masters within the Jesuit Order and their Order of Illuminati. A perfectly scripted birthday phrase.

For multiple decodes of stories made specifically for Obama’s birthday, please check this post:

Barack Obama’s 61st Birthday on August 4 – Updated (5)!

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