Barack Obama, ‘The Antichrist,’ Warns The Ukraine War Is Far From Over

Barack Obama, also known as Satan or ‘Antichrist,’ spoke at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit on Friday, June 10, where he warned that Russia’s war in Ukraine is “far from over,” and the costs will “continue to mount.”

Yes, that is a no-brainer, they want to push this staged and mostly fake war for as long as possible. It’s part of the energy crisis agenda and the economic reset as I’ve explained in these posts:

Reality Check – The Staged Pandemic and Russia-Ukraine War
What Exactly is Agenda 2030, The Great Reset, The New World Order?
Build Back Better, The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Simply: The New World Order — Not a Conspiracy

Again, Barack Obama is known as ‘Satan’ or ‘Antichrist,’ within the occult orders. I touched on that in this post from July 2021:

Obama or other former President to hit the news?

And it makes for a perfect opportunity to dig deeper into the character he plays for the world stage.
Now, as for Barack Obama to speak about the staged war, the psy-op in Ukraine, it’s all by the numbers as they always do it.

Ukraine War = 121, 49, 471, 149, 68, 726
Antichrist = 121, 49, 471, 149, 68, 726

Barack Obama was allegedly born on August 4, 1961, and his speech about the war in Ukraine on June 10, comes at a span of 56-days before his next birthday. That is no coincidence, at the Jesuit number of 56 summarize the whole story.

Barack Hussein Obama II = 56 (his full name)
Russia’s war in Ukraine = 56 (the exact phrase from the news article)
Ukraine Conflict = 56 (what it was first called)
Russian Invasion = 56 (what they called it when the fake war started)
Continue to Mount = 56 (the citation in the article)
The Freemasons = 56 (the order Barack belongs to)
Freemasons = 56
Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order)

Speaking of 56. There is also a connection to ‘Akhenaten,’ the king of Egypt also called ‘Amenhotep IV,’ who introduced the cult dedicated to worshipping the sun’s disk and the light of the sun. Sounds familiar? Yes, the Jesuit Order worship the ancient Sun God, aka., ‘Saturn.’ And the Jesuit logo is the sun with its rays, as in sun light.

Akhenaten = 56
Amenhotep IV = 56

This actually fits nicely into the narrative of the staged war and the Jesuits, pulling the strings from the shadows. And, on that theme we have…

Akhenaten = 79, 34, 30, 75, 474
Ukraine = 79, 34, 30, 75, 474
Beast Obama = 79, 34, 30, 75, 474

That is quite the match!

And if you do not count the last day, his speech was held 55-days before his next birthday.

Satan = 55

Again, that’s his nickname, which takes us back to the beginning…
Remember that the staged war began on February 24, a day with 68-date numerology.
2/24/2022 = 2 + 24 + 20 + 22 = 68

Barack Obama = 68
Ukraine War = 68, 68
Antichrist = 68, 68 (again)
The Freemasons = 68 (again, the order staging these psy-ops and false flags)
Jesuits = 68, 68

And if you count weeks and days, it’s 7 weeks and 6 days until Barack’s next birthday, like ’76.’

Barack Obama = 76, 76, 76, 76

The article also mentions that, according to the United Nations, there have been roughly 9,500 casualties.

9,500 Casualties = 174
Russia Invades Ukraine = 174, 174
The Antichrist Barack Obama = 174, 174
Number of the Beast = 174
New World Order = 174
Obama warns the Ukraine war is ‘far from over’ = 174

Again, that phrase used in the headline tell us more of the riddle.

Obama warns the Ukraine war is ‘far from over’ = 222
The Antichrist Barack Obama = 222
The Beast of Revelation = 222
As Above, So Below = 222 (motto of the Freemasons and Satanists)

And the message from the headline is, “The Ukraine War Is Far From Over,” which matches the quote “Strong, Steadfast and Sustained.”

The Ukraine War Is Far From Over = 319
Strong, Steadfast and Sustained = 319
Russia Ukraine Conflict = 319 (again, what they called it at the beginning)

And, of course, June 10 was a date with 58-date numerology.
6/10/2022 = 6 + 10 + 20 + 22 = 58

Russia – Ukraine = 58 (how the media refers to the war)
The Freemasons = 58
Freemasonry = 58

And 38-date numerology.
6/10/22 = 6 + 10 + 22 = 38

Russia – Ukraine = 38 (how the media refers to the war)
Copenhagen = 38 (the speech was held in Copenhagen)
Lucifer = 38
Freemasons = 38

A perfect day for the Antichrist and Freemason Barack Obama to talk about Russia and Ukraine while attending a conference in Copenhagen.

The article also cites phrases such as ‘Scorched-Earth’ and ‘Bloody Campaign.’

Scorched-Earth = 64
The Antichrist = 64
Barack Hussein Obama = 64

Bloody Campaign = 137
Make No Mistake = 137
Russia’s war in Ukraine = 137
Far From Over = 137

Again, the perfectly coded message is…

Bloody Campaign = 137, 65, 65, 79, 79, 822
Far From Over = 137, 65, 65, 79, 79, 822

Do you see how all keywords and phrases are deliberately coded together? It’s all a script, just the way they always do it.
There is a lot more to this story, but this should be enough for any reality-denier and coincidence theorist to get a grip on what is in front of their eyes.

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