As Predicted, Joe Biden Drops Out Of 2024 Presidential Race — Endorses Kamala Harris

As we’ve said for several years now, the actor playing the demented Joe Biden would drop out of the 2024 presidential race, paving the way for Kamala Harris and the Obamas. As this story is developing and CNN has more than 155 posts, I will only cover the basics of this ritual on the world stage and why this announcement came on July 21, 2024. The most obvious clue is the 72-date numerology of […]

As Predicted, Joe Biden Drops Out Of 2024 Presidential Race — Endorses Kamala Harris Read the Full Article »

The 2024 Biden Double Cross Election Script: Clooney and Bennet Turns on Biden

On July 10, 2024, the media reported that the actor George Clooney, a puppet for the left-wing agenda, the gay-agenda, the multi-cultural agenda, and promoter of the world government (UN) urged Biden to bow out of the presidential race, just weeks after he headlined a major fundraiser for Biden’s reelection campaign. And this happened within a day of Michael Bennet becoming the first Democratic senator to publicly say he doesn’t believe President Joe Biden

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World Stage: Pope Francis “Condemns” Biden’s ‘Gender Theory’

As the April 8th Eclipse was a big nothing burger, as we’ve said from the start, let’s look at another ritual that took place on April 8th, that of Joe Biden’s big legacy, the satanic, inverted, and retarded ‘gender theory.’ As you probably know by now, everything the puppets do on the world stage is scripted by the numbers using gematria, and that is also why President Biden is fighting for the retarded leftish

World Stage: Pope Francis “Condemns” Biden’s ‘Gender Theory’ Read the Full Article »

Murder by Numbers: Drummer Fred White to Join with Jeremiah Green in Skull and Bones Satanic Sacrifice Ritual

In my article from yesterday, we looked at the alleged death of Modest Mouse drummer Jeremiah Green, who supposedly died on December 31st, 2022, only 4 days after announcing his alleged stage-4 cancer diagnosis. Well, now we have another report of a dead drummer, on the same day of December 31, in Earth, Wind & Fire (EWF) drummer Fred White. Curiously, as I mentioned the day before, 2023 will be the year of Order

Murder by Numbers: Drummer Fred White to Join with Jeremiah Green in Skull and Bones Satanic Sacrifice Ritual Read the Full Article »

Skull and Bones Freemasonry Shenanigans on the 322-day of the Year

November 18 was the 322nd day of the year, as in Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry. And of course, the day was plastered with Freemasonic tribute rituals. Freemasonry evolved from the guilds of stonemasons and cathedral builders. The guild was infiltrated and ‘reborn’ in 1717 when it was turned into a ‘fraternal organization,’ a ‘secret society’ by the Jesuit founded Bavarian Illuminati (Order of Illuminati.) They are not Christians, they are Satanic and

Skull and Bones Freemasonry Shenanigans on the 322-day of the Year Read the Full Article »

Biden to Issue Climate Executive Orders on the 201st Day of the Year

U.S. President and Jesuit-Puppet Joe Biden will issue executive orders on Wednesday aimed at addressing the climate crisis – something that does not exist. And this happens on the very Jesuit 201st day of the year and just in time where parts of Europe experience a small heatwave after a record cold summer. Funny coincidences, right? Interestingly, Reuters actually wrote, “Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see a climate emergency tomorrow.” Simply telling us

Biden to Issue Climate Executive Orders on the 201st Day of the Year Read the Full Article »

Fist Bumps Instead of Handshakes – The Ultimate Mockery

I know, I’ve mentioned this when the idiocy first started at the beginning of the staged and fake pandemic. However, it’s something that has continued and the sheep goes along with it while everyone laugh their asses off. Now, let’s just pretend that something as stupid as viruses and contagious diseases exist. I know, it’s retarded. But according to their fake and silly science, these viruses are supposed to be spread by people opening

Fist Bumps Instead of Handshakes – The Ultimate Mockery Read the Full Article »

Charlatan Anthony Fauci Tests Positive for Covid in 666-Ritual

As they try to keep the Cov-idiotism relevant and alive in the minds of the sheeple, their Jesuit puppet and fake-disease poster-boy Anthony Fauci had to step up to the plate on June 15 and fake having Covid in a clear ‘Number of the Beast’ 666-tribute ritual. June 15, 2022 is a date that can be written as 666 in numerology.6/15/2022 = 6 / (1+5) / (2+0+2+2) = 6/6/6. Anthony Fauci was born on

Charlatan Anthony Fauci Tests Positive for Covid in 666-Ritual Read the Full Article »

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