The media outlets are reporting 1 dead and 5 injured on Saturday night, May 1st, as in 1/5, after a staged false flag shooting at the Mudbug festival in Jackson, Mississippi. And to mock us some more, ‘May’ reduces to 15 in reverse reduction gematria.
May 1st can be written as 1/5 or 5/1, as in 15 or 51.

May = 15 (as in 1 dead, 5 injured)
Gun = 15 (as in gunfire, weapons used)

Mass Shooting = 51(sets the theme of the staged event)
Mississippi = 51 (the location)
Another ‘festival shooting’ was the Route 91 Harvest Festival Shooting on October 1, 2017. And this ‘festival shooting’ just happens to come at a span of 5 months and 1 day before the anniversary of that 2017 shooting, as in 51.

May 1st was the 121st day of the year.

Jackson, Mississippi = 121 (the location)
Blood Sacrifice = 121 (common keyword, sets the theme of the staged event with one dead)
May 1st also have a 28-date numerology, which fits with the narrative.
5/1/22 = 5 + 1 + 22 = 28
Jackson = 28
Saturday = 28
Kill = 28
Going back to the Route 91 Harvest Festival Shooting on October 1, 2017. This shooting comes 21 weeks and 6 days before the anniversary, as in 216.

Mudbug Festival = 216
And what is 216? It’s the sum of 6 x 6 x 6 = 216. Route 91 Harvest was a country music festival and that shooting took place during a Jason Aldean concert on October 1st.
Concert = 666
October = 666
And they do of course call this a ‘festival shooting,’ as that phrase sums to the most important number for the Jesuits – as well as the concert performer Jason Aldean of the 2017 Harvest Festival.

Festival Shooting = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201 (founded by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt on May 1st!)
Jason Aldean = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Remember, The Order of The Illuminati was founded on May 1st.
21 weeks and 6 days until the anniversary of the Harvest Festival is the same as 153 days…

Jesuit Order = 153
Deceivers = 153
It is also exactly 55 months on the day since the Route 91 Harvest Shooting. It was Sheriff Tyree Jones of Hinds County that talked to the press about the alleged shooting.

Tyree Jones = 55
Gun Violence = 55
Sacrifice = 55
The Jesuits = 55
Firearms = 55
Hinds County = 55
Police Force = 55
Mississippi became a state of the United States December 10, 1817, which makes Mississippi 204-years old at the time of the Mississippi Mudbug Festival Shooting.

Mississippi Mudbug Festival Shooting = 204
It’s also 7 months and 9 days until the 205th birthday of Mississippi, as in 79 and 205.

Society of Jesus = 79, 205 (aka., The Jesuit Order)
This staged shooting at the Mudbug Festival was obviously a May 1st ‘Order of Illuminati’ Jesuit Ritual and a Tribute to the 2017 Route 91 Harvest Festival Shooting and the concert by Jason Aldean.