Last year on May 21, we had a staged shooting by the police in Goshen, Indiana. Yesterday, on January 16, we had another “gang-related” staged shooting in Goshen, California. Both shootings have small Freemasonic fingerprints all over them. They really must like the name of Goshen – as in the ‘Land of Goshen,’ the piece of land in Egypt given to the Hebrews by the pharaoh of Joseph as five years of famine was yet to come (Genesis 45:9-10.)
This little town of Goshen resides within Tulare County, California. And according to the media, the Tulare County deputies responded to a call of shots fired just after, yes you guessed it, 3:30 a.m. The Freemasonic 33 yet again! Such coincidence!
Being a day with 17-date numerology (1/16 = 1+16 = 17,) they only mention one specific victim, an alleged 17-year-old mother and her 6-month-old child, 6-months as in 6 people shot. Again, surely a coincidence.
It happened in Goshen on a day with a date-numerology of the Freemasonic Master Builder number of 22.
1/16/23 = (1) + (16) + 2+3 = 22

Goshen = 22
Gesem = 22 (Original Hebrew for ‘Goshen’)
Jesuits = 22 (their masters)
Monday = 22 (the shooting happened on a Monday morning)
Six = 22 (allegedly six dead)
Mason = 22 (Freemasonic ritual)
CNN calls it an ‘early morning massacre,’ and they also quote the Tulare County Sheriff’s spokesperson Ashley Schwarm saying that it appears to be a “cartel-style execution.”

From last year’s shooting in Goshen, Indiana on May 21, 2022, and to yesterday’s shooting on January 16, 2023, in Goshen, California, is exactly 240 days.

Early Morning Massacre = 240
Cartel-Style Execution = 240
It’s also a span of 126-days until the anniversary of the shooting in Goshen, Indiana. A perfect day to ‘honor’ the shootings with yet another ritual.

Shootings = 126
Jesuit Order = 126
Freemasonry = 126
126 days is the exact same thing as 18 weeks, 18 being symbolic of the Number of the Beast, as in ‘666,’ as 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. Remember that there were 6 victims and a 6-months-old child, like 66. The phrase ‘Number of the Beast’ equals to ’66.’
Note that CNN updated the article at the 18th minute of the hour…

Masons = 18
IHS = 18 (the logo on the official seal of the Jesuits)
Of, course, a ‘cartel-style execution’ equals to 113, the number for dishonesty, of bullshit. A simple codeword for the story being dishonest, being false; telling those in the know that it was all staged.

Cartel-Style Execution = 113
The Number for Dishonesty = 113
Dishonest = 113
Not Factual = 113
Not True = 113
Not Honest = 113
Bullshit = 113
Politics = 113
And, as for the numbers on the plate of the police vehicle in the photo, they sum to 30.

Murder = 30, 30
Police = 30, 30
Order = 30, 30
Actually, we do not need to look any further than the name of the puppet Ashley Schwarm to see what this is all about. It’s perfect match with masonic ritual.

Ashley Schwarm = 155, 196, 56, 610, 651
Masonic Ritual = 155, 196, 56, 610, 651

Ashley Schwarm = 155, 56
Freemasons = 155, 56

Ashley Schwarm = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
Massacre = 56
Now, it’s no denying it anymore, this is purely a Freemasonic ritual. As I said, their small fingerprints are all over it. And with that in mind, we know that we now are in the year of 2023, as in 223, the year of Skull and Bones Freemasonry. And with that in mind, let’s look at the Tulare County Sherriff’s name of Mike Boudreaux and how it stacks up in this ritual as his name is also all over this event.

Mike Boudreaux = 149, 202, 76, 604, 657, 140, 50
Skull and Bones = 149, 202, 76, 604, 657, 140, 50

Seriously, the mockery! Let’s just recap this. We have the Sheriff who is named ‘Mike Boudreaux,’ and then their spokesperson who is named ‘Ashley Schwarm.’

Mike Boudreaux = 149, 202, 76, 604, 657, 140, 50
Skull and Bones = 149, 202, 76, 604, 657, 140, 50

Ashley Schwarm = 155, 196, 56, 610, 651
Masonic Ritual = 155, 196, 56, 610, 651
Do I really need to go on? Nah, I don’t think so. Yet another staged ritual in the year of Skull and Bones.