Murder by Numbers: Augusta University Student Murdered on 2/22

According to the mainstream media, a student named ‘Laken Hope Riley’ was murdered on February 22 near a ‘lake’ at the university’s intramural fields. Of course, someone called “Laken” found near a “lake” is pure mockery, and the fact that the investigators allegedly found the body at 12:38 p.m., the 38th minute of the hour, the number of murder, killing, and death, is even more so. Murder = 38, 38Killing = 38, 38Death = […]

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US Retaliates the 3 Soldiers on the 33rd Day of the Year

Remember the staged and fake airstrike that allegedly killed three US soldiers symbolically at Tower 22 on January 28? It was one huge Freemasonic ritual connected to Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry.Well, yesterday, on February 2nd, the 33rd day of the year, US said it struck 85 targets linked to Iran-backed militias in Iraq and Syria in response of the staged drone strike that never happened. The world is sure a stage, and

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The ‘3’ US Troops Killed at Tower ‘22’ Psy-Op

On January 28, 2024, three US Troops were allegedly killed in Jordan at “Tower 22.” Yes, ‘3’ troops at Tower ‘22,’ as in ‘322,’ as in Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry. Not to mention the two “Tower” Symbolism. Complete mockery. And since they manufactured this fake story, it has trended every single day on CNN, all through January 28 to January 30. The fake attack was staged on January 28, it was said

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Colorado Springs Mall Shooting on Christmas Eve by the Numbers

By request, since no one covered this, let’s look at the staged and fake shooting that took place in Colorado Springs on Christmas Eve. According to the official story, one person was killed and three others were injured during a Christmas Eve shooting at Citadel Mall in Colorado. The Police claim that the incident started when two groups got into a fight that turned violent. Police spokesperson Ira Cronin said the fight “appeared to

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The Infodemic: Paris Hilton’s 11:11 Media Pulls Out of X

As a continuation of the Elon Musk and the Media Matters Infodemic ritual, recently brought to people’s attention through the fake Pizzagate psy-op once again trending on TikTok and X/Twitter, the monarch mind-controlled sex slave Paris Hilton joined the stage yesterday, and as always all by the numbers. Hilton is a family of Norwegian origin who migrated to the U.S. Paris’ great-grandfather Conrad Hilton, who was a Knight of Malta (allied with the Jesuit

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World Stage: October 25 Maine Mass Shootings – Updated

As this story is still developing, the decode will be “rather brief” and based on the initial released script and numbers by the media. However, it should as always be more than enough to prove that this alleged ‘mass shooting’ was scripted, staged, and utterly fake, as part of their ‘gun ban’ agenda and rituals — when in actuality, they do it to sell more guns and ammunition as gullible people get scared and

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World Stage: Weekend Stories Amidst Israel-Hamas Psy-Op

As the staged and fake war between Israel and Hamas continues; two forces being controlled and scripted by the same hand, the media does its best to fabricate nonsensical stories to make it look real. Of course, these stories are extremely easy to spot as they are not only ridiculous, but they are also scripted by the numbers. On Sunday, CNN claimed that an 84-year-old “Holocaust survivor” visiting Israel safely escaped as the “war”

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CNN Mentions the Abyss – A Quick Explanation and the Number 73 as Related to Israel

In a statement, UN Secretary-General and Jesuit puppet António Guterres said “we are on the verge of the abyss” in the Middle East. As you probably know by now, the United Nations is an organization that sprung from the planned and staged WWI and WWII. Being established in 1945, it serves as a transition vehicle on the world stage towards a totalitarian World Government, their New World Order. It’s simply one of many instruments,

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