December 31, 2020. Quick update – and a Happy New year!

My weight training has been a bit ‘sporadic’ during December. Just before Christmas, I had my longest layoff this year, 6 days – but that time got put into my dogs instead; walking, playing, and training. However, since Christmas, I’ve got four training sessions done, and my body weight and fat percentage are about the same as four weeks ago. With that said, I’ve tried to gain some extra weight the last week. Why? […]

December 31, 2020. Quick update – and a Happy New year! Read the Full Article »

How to Remain Sane in an Insane World

A few thoughts thrown together on how to think and get through this crazy story we find ourselves in when being able to see through all the theatre. This is for the woke people out there – my brothers and sisters. When you are surrounded with the kind of insanity that is going on in the world today, and you’re not part of that indoctrinated hive mind, you will need coping strategies and a

How to Remain Sane in an Insane World Read the Full Article »

November 18, 2020. Training update!

Yes, I was back at the gym today after a 4-days layoff due to my newly adopted Husky-mix girl. But since they are so well-behaved, I decided to get a chest and biceps workout done. And sure enough, they were quiet and resting when I left, and they were quiet and just as behaved when I got home. Good doggos. Anyhow, I decided to do seated unilateral chest press and ramp the weight. My

November 18, 2020. Training update! Read the Full Article »

Rob Skiba’s Freemasonic SEED Fund Raiser

I received a question about Rob Skiba’s fund raiser for his SEED TV-series. I have no idea when this fund-raiser was started. I haven’t really watched anything from Rob or checked in on him previously, so this will be a quick look at the fund raiser and some of his books to make a few connections using numerology and gematria – an ancient practice of coding language; just as God created the world with

Rob Skiba’s Freemasonic SEED Fund Raiser Read the Full Article »

November 2, 2020. Training update!

Another little update for the nosy bastards. It’s been 9 days or so since the fast. I’ve been at the gym for 8 of them and my morning weight is now at 77.6 kg (171 lbs.) – so up another 1.6 kg in 5 days. And my evening weight is closing in on 79 kg. My body is like a sponge. Therefore, I will change my nutritional strategy a bit before I get too

November 2, 2020. Training update! Read the Full Article »

October 28, 2020. 4 days after the 5-day fast.

Just a quick update. It’s been 4 full days since my 5-day fast. And I did my fourth training session today as well. Chest and biceps. The program I developed will be available shortly (you can get the first macrocycle by contacting me, if you don’t want to wait). The photo is from the locker room, five minutes after the workout. Morning body weight is around 76 kg now (167 lbs.). It fluctuates up

October 28, 2020. 4 days after the 5-day fast. Read the Full Article »

October 25, 2020. The days after the 5-day fast.

The day after: First off, my body weight yesterday before breaking the fast was 70.2 kg (154.4 lbs.). Anyhow, I slept pretty well. I did have a small bowl of yoghurt, egg yolks, raw milk, and whey protein an hour after my steak tartare yesterday. Also made sure to load up on extra sodium and drinking a lot more water than I usually do – to help re-hydrate my body as it gets nutrients

October 25, 2020. The days after the 5-day fast. Read the Full Article »

October 23, 2020. FASTING – Day 5 of 5

I had trouble falling asleep yesterday since I was very “wired”, but when I did, I slept pretty good for a total of about 6 hours (usually aim for 7.5 hours). My resting heart rate is down another 2 bpm, and a total of 7 bpm since the first day of the fast. My body weight is down to 70.5 kg, a drop of 0.5 kg since yesterday, and a total of 4.6 kg

October 23, 2020. FASTING – Day 5 of 5 Read the Full Article »

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