Search Results for: Jesuit Order 201


Richard Branson’s Fake Virgin Galactic Travels to Space

A globe earth spinning through space is unproven pseudo-science, but is still believed worldwide. It is a huge lie that has taken on a life of its own, being passed from generation to generation. Anyone who dares question it is mocked and ridiculed. What most people don’t know is that the ridiculous idea of heliocentrism was invented and calculated on by Jesuit priests of the Catholic Church. The theories from their front man Nicolaus […]

Richard Branson’s Fake Virgin Galactic Travels to Space Read the Full Article »

The puppet on strings

The Swedish Parliament Joke Continues

This is a 10-minute quick look at this ongoing joke by the Freemasons. Since politics and government is nothing more that a puppet show and theatre, it’s not really worth my time. It’s all staged and scripted. Stefan Löfven was yet again voted in as Prime Minister for the Swedish Parliament. The floor man, Andreas Norlén, announced the decision at 14:58.14:58 can be written as 1458.The number 1458 prime factorization is “2 × 3

The Swedish Parliament Joke Continues Read the Full Article »

CONvid bullocks

More Silly Lies About the ‘Rona

We know that a virus has never been isolated, identified or shown to be able to exist outside of a living organism or be able to transmit disease. So, this story blatantly lies from the get go. It’s all about programming you with nonsense – hammering the lie deep into your brain. Repeat after me, “it’s real, it has existed for 20,000 years, it’s real, my precious”! Since we know that this story is

More Silly Lies About the ‘Rona Read the Full Article »

Veganism a Jesuit Psy-Op

The Veganism Psy-Op to further the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030

Veganism and Plant-Based diets are part of the long-planned enslavement for humankind and the ushering of the New World Order. Vegans and Plant-Based Retards help The Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations, and World Economic Forum to achieve “The Great Reset” for the 2030 Smart Cities – where you are a microchipped docile slave and own nothing. This is why veganism is pushed by all these satanic Jesuit-controlled organizations and why social media is full

The Veganism Psy-Op to further the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 Read the Full Article »

Staged Attack on US Capitol

56-seconds Body Cam Footage from the Staged US Capitol Attack

This has to be the worst and most pathetic footage of a staged event and attack I’ve seen in a long time. They do need better crisis actors. And listen to that dweeb of an CNN reporter repeating “brutal” and “pipe” over and over again. Brutal? It’s bad acting. Give me a break, you morons.Let’s make this a short breakdown using their language of choice, Gematria. This “video” was released on a Thursday.Thursday: 46,

56-seconds Body Cam Footage from the Staged US Capitol Attack Read the Full Article »

Delta Variant Hoax

The Covid-19 Delta Variant – to Accelerate the push of Vaccines onto Children.

Also to mock you with being asleep, as in “Delta Waves” (see further down) Why did they name the new ‘hoaxy’ “super spreader” Indian mutation (B.1.617.2) of an imaginary virus to “Delta”? And what is the agenda behind it – more than keeping the lie alive?Gematria will show you the connections… Delta mutation: 155, 79Corona Virus: 155Novel Coronavirus: 79Society of Jesus: 79 Delta Covid-19 variant: 82Coronavirus Disease: 82Covid: 82Eliminate Humanity: 82Ordo ab Chao: 82Order

The Covid-19 Delta Variant – to Accelerate the push of Vaccines onto Children. Read the Full Article »

Austin Mass Shooting

Mass Shooting Propaganda out of Austin, Texas, June 12

Almost all school shootings, mass shootings, terror attacks, and such are staged rituals by the Freemasons and/or the Jesuit Order. They do this as fear propaganda and to push for new laws, restrictions and surveillance.As usual, I will use their language of Gematria – combining the letter, the word and the number – to decode this “story.”The story broke on June 12, 2021 with the headline, “At least 13 people were injured in a

Mass Shooting Propaganda out of Austin, Texas, June 12 Read the Full Article »

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984

This goes back to my previous post about the Jesuit puppet Anthony Fauci and his new ‘inquiries’ about this false narrative.Most educated people should know by now that there is no such thing as virus or a contagion, it is not possible within the realm of biology and microbiology. The germ theory with unicorn-fantasy-viruses has been debunked so many times I will just leave it there. I wrote about this in my article about

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984 Read the Full Article »

The silly ‘bioweapon’ Psy-Op backed by Fauci

How cute! The silly ‘bioweapon’ Psy-Op for the sheeple continues, this time backed by diaper-boy Fauci! The Jesuit puppet and actor with an IQ of about 70, Anthony Fauci, now claims, “he’s not convinced Covid-1984 developed naturally.”First and foremost, there is NO contagion! Covid-19 does not exist. No alleged virus in history of mankind has ever been isolated or even proven to exist! The germ and virus theory is a big fat money-making scam!

The silly ‘bioweapon’ Psy-Op backed by Fauci Read the Full Article »

AVICII Arena, AVICII and the Epstein connection. AVICII = MCII

Do I have any woke friends who looked into Avicii and his alleged death in 2018? In 2018 I almost died and have been recovering since then, so I did not bother to look into Avicii – I was too out of it at that time.However, with the name-change of the Globen Arena to Avicii Arena, it just stood out as weird. I’ve heard about the theories around the Epstein connection. But I’ve never

AVICII Arena, AVICII and the Epstein connection. AVICII = MCII Read the Full Article »

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