Search Results for: nutrients bioavailable

Dental Health — Cavities: Why we get them and how to repair them

Let’s start with the basics of tooth health and decay – your nutritional status, as proven by Weston A. Price about 100-years ago, when he spent years on remote locations living with different primitive tribes where he examined their nutritional status and health. He soon discovered that not only were they never sick, they also had perfect teeth with zero cavities among all the populace. Most of them consumed an almost 100% carnivorous diet […]

Dental Health — Cavities: Why we get them and how to repair them Read the Full Article »

Loss of Taste, Smell, Appetite, and Vomiting – All Natural Symptoms of Healing. And Why You Cannot Cure a Disease.

I’ve touched on this many times before, especially about the loss of smell as linked here. To keep this “short” and “simple”, I will not touch on trauma- or stress related “disease” (symptoms), as in German New Medicine, you can read about that in the link above. In this article, we will only touch on toxins, germs, and parasites. The biggest scam in our history is the false germ theory, the ludicrous idea that

Loss of Taste, Smell, Appetite, and Vomiting – All Natural Symptoms of Healing. And Why You Cannot Cure a Disease. Read the Full Article »

Understanding Nutrition and Breaking Free from Ideology and Pseudoscience

It’s time for a friendly reminder. As I’ve repeatedly said since 2018, there is no such thing as “Nutrition Science,” there is only Nutrition Ideology. Any kind of “education” is based on agendas, food industry interests, and simply lining pockets with money. I should know, I wasted 25 years on nutritional studies, including sport nutrition and medical studies. Registered Dieticians and Nutritionists are nothing more than indoctrinated puppets of a deeply misanthropic and bastardized

Understanding Nutrition and Breaking Free from Ideology and Pseudoscience Read the Full Article »

Germ Theory is a LIE! The Terrain is Everything!

Why Understanding the Biological Terrain is so Important for Health

Understanding the terrain theory/biological terrain is not only about realizing that there are no contagious diseases, that bacteria is essential to life, and that sickness can only come from within – it’s most importantly about letting go of fear and worries.I realized this when the terrain theory led me to German New Medicine. Back in 2017, I still believed most of what Western “Modern” Medicine preaches, including the germ theory. This was when my

Why Understanding the Biological Terrain is so Important for Health Read the Full Article »

No, we do not have an “Immune System”! Let us stop using that terminology!

I’ve touched on this in several previous posts and I’ll tell why it matters in just a little while. First, and this in undisputable – the germ and virus theory is FALSE. It’s the biggest lie in modern history. We do not get sick by any kind of contagion. This was a theory put forth by Pasteur, which he later recanted and said that his nemesis Bernard had been right all along – it’s

No, we do not have an “Immune System”! Let us stop using that terminology! Read the Full Article »

March 9, 2021. Training and Life update with Q&A

Yes, it’s been a while. I’ve been quite busy with reading, studying and writing (as of now, I’m about 80 to 90% recovered from the brain-stem tumor injury) and sharing 30+ years of research and information on nutrition, the fake germ theory, the scamdemic, our Natural Law, the Terrain Theory, the One World Government (New World Order) and much more. As always, I just share information I’ve spent countless of hours researching to shake

March 9, 2021. Training and Life update with Q&A Read the Full Article »

January 26, 2021. Short Fasting Update! And Q&A

I broke my fast yesterday evening, after 78 hours. Why? I desperately longed for hitting the weights again and my foot felt a lot better. So, yesterday evening I had a whey protein drink with raw milk and heavy cream followed by steak and eggs.This morning, all I had was a pre-workout with 20 grams of slow-acting carbohydrates and 20 grams of essential amino acids. The photo was taken about 30 minutes after the

January 26, 2021. Short Fasting Update! And Q&A Read the Full Article »

October 23, 2020. FASTING – Day 5 of 5

I had trouble falling asleep yesterday since I was very “wired”, but when I did, I slept pretty good for a total of about 6 hours (usually aim for 7.5 hours). My resting heart rate is down another 2 bpm, and a total of 7 bpm since the first day of the fast. My body weight is down to 70.5 kg, a drop of 0.5 kg since yesterday, and a total of 4.6 kg

October 23, 2020. FASTING – Day 5 of 5 Read the Full Article »

Stress. What is it? How does it affect us?

Many years ago, Holistic Health Practitioner, Elite Athlete Coach and corrective exercise specialist Paul Chek identified six types of stressors that harm our body. While I do agree with the types, my definitions, after years of research, goes a bit deeper as I studied the Terrain Theory and the work of Antoine Béchamp, Claude Bernard, Rudolph Virchow, Ethel Douglas Hume, Roy Rife, Gaston Naessens, Gunter Enderlein, Stefan Lanka, Dr Carolyn Dean, and Robert &

Stress. What is it? How does it affect us? Read the Full Article »

September 6, 2020. Training Update – and a look back.

Time for an update for the gymrats. In late July I hit 80 kg. Then I cut back and stabilized around 78 kg. A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I would try and reach 85 kg after completing a 3-day fast to ‘reset’ the system. Well, I haven’t really gained that much weight at all. In my last update on August 25, a week after the fast, I had gained back 2.5 kg.

September 6, 2020. Training Update – and a look back. Read the Full Article »

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