Puppet Musk Fuels Division: “My Son Killed by The Woke Mind Virus”

The Jesuit’s puppet Elon Musk, the fabricated and fake image of a successful and rich outsider and entrepreneur in free market capitalism and agent for the AI Transhumanism movement is now being used to lure in the alt-right wing and to create even more division. Recently, after the extremely fake and staged “assassination attempt” on Trump, the mainstream media headlines featured Musk pledging to donate $45 million per month to a pro-Trump political action committee (PAC) ahead of the November election.

And now, as of July 22, Musk entered the heated Transgender debate by claiming that he was “tricked” into giving consent for his child to go on puberty blockers, adding that he believes “the woke mind virus” figuratively killed his son. 

Of course, this all transpired during an interview with another Jesuit puppet, that of Dr. Jordan Peterson, who is used on the world stage as a provocateur agent on the right-wing and as controlled opposition against the multicultural agenda, the transgender agenda and the staged and fake Coronavirus pandemic.

Well, no real parent would ever give a puberty blocker, or subject his child to anything that has to do with sex-change. That is pure mental illness, pure evil. And we also know that it’s a ritualistic tradition among the famous Freemasons on the world stage to invert the genders of one of their children.

With that said, Musk speaking up against this evil agenda of transgenderism strengthens his position as an outsider, an outspoken rebel and fighter for “free speech” (while he is doing the complete opposite) lining up with the alt-right/right wing — which in turn will strengthen the agendas that his character has been molded into put forth on the world stage, such as Transhumanism, the fake space lie and juvenile space travel, materialism, and retarded electrical vehicles that will turn you into a walking tumor.

This ritual to deceive the right-wing and alt-right movements with Musk and Jordan Peterson, talking about the transgender agenda took place on July 22, 2024, a day with 53-date numerology, the number of gender and that of transgender within the scripted media.

7/22/24 = 7 + 22 + 24 = 53

Gender = 53
Deceive = 53
Transgender = 53

Musk said that it figuratively “killed” his son.

Killed = 53

And that goes with July 22 being exactly 3 months and 7 days, as in 37, after his former son’s April 15 birthday. And not only that, but July 22 also came with a 37-date numerology.

7/22/2024 = (7) + (22) + 2+0+2+4 = 37

Killed = 37, 37

Of course, counting the end-date, this story on July 22, about his former son ‘Xavier,’ was on his childs 3 month and 8th day of his/her age, as in 38, the number of murder and killing.

Xavier = 38, 38
Destroy = 38, 38
Murder = 38, 38
Killing = 38, 38

Not only did July 22 come with a 53-date numerology, as in ‘gender’ and ‘deceive,’ but also with the inverted 35-date numerology — doubling up on the numerology and gematria for this ritual.

7/22/24 = (7) + (22) + 2+4 = 35
7/22/24 = 7 + 2+2 + (24) = 35

Gender = 35, 35
Deceive = 35, 35
Baphomet = 35, 35 (the transgender satanic goat)
Catholic = 35, 35
Deceit = 35, 35

Of course, being a character on the world stage and a high-ranking Freemason, doing this to your child is all about sacrifice, as in ritual sacrifice. And this story broke on a day with full 73-date numerology.

7/22/2024 = 7 + 22 + 20 + 24 = 73

Sacrifice = 73
Ritual Sacrifice = 73

Being a Freemasonic ritual, it comes at no surprise that Musk talked about sex change exactly 3 weeks and 3 days after his June 28th birthday, as in the Freemasonic world stage number of 33.

Sex = 33
Bonesmen = 33 (members of Skull and Bones Freemasonry)
Masonry = 33
The Masons = 33

To really rally in the alt-right, Musk said that his son was “killed by the woke mind virus,” which Fox News made sure to put in quotes. That statement was delivered exactly 11 months and 6 days, like 116, before Musk’s next birthday.

Killed By The Woke Mind Virus = 116

The interview was performed by Jordan Peterson on July 22, 2024, the 204th day of the year.

Jordan Peterson = 204

And the interview on July 22, the day leaving 162 days remaining in the year, was about Musk’s ‘trans child.’

Trans Child = 162

July 22 was 40 days after Jordan Peterson’s June 12th birthday, and the topic was about ‘sex change.’

Sex Change = 40

And again, this was a Masonic ritual between two Freemasons following the script put forth by the Society of Jesus, the Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church, the instrument of the elite families.
Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the interview took place at a span of 5 weeks and 6 days, as in the Jesuit and Freemasonic 56, after Jordan Peterson’s birthday.

Masonic Ritual = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
Freemasons = 56

Now, keep in mind that Elon Musk was announced as the richest man in the world for the first time on the 78th death anniversary of Nikola Tesla. And as for the poor child Xavier, the victim of the ‘woke mind virus’ and that of a ‘sex transformation,’ and now known as ‘Vivian Jenna Wilson,’ who was the topic of Jordan Peterson’s interview, the number of 78 stands out.

And it also reminds us of the initiation into Freemasonry where “you must be born again,” which is also the inverted ritual of a sex change.

Vivian Jenna Wilson = 78
Sex Transformation = 78
You Must Be Born Again = 78
Jordan Peterson = 78
Woke Mind Virus = 78

And Jordan Peterson fits into this ritual in more ways than one.

Jordan Peterson = 66
Puberty Blockers = 66
Sex Reassignment = 66
Woke Mind Virus = 66
Saturn Worship = 66
Number Of The Beast = 66

And so does Vivian Jenna Wilson…

Vivian Jenna Wilson = 213, 87, 1278 
Sex Reassignment = 213, 87, 1278
Puberty Blockers = 213, 87, 1278

And with that my time is up for today. Still, it’s extremely obvious that this whole interview was pre-planned, scripted, and simply a part of the world stage theater — and as part of establishing Musk as a “hero” on the right-wing, reinforcing his influence and presence.

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