This story was brought to my attention yesterday as one of our members posted about it on our uncensored community I did a quick 5-minute decode and several of our talented members followed up with a lot of additional connections and information. As the story got big media coverage and went kind of viral on social media, as everything that is staged and/or totally fake does, I’ll share some of the most obvious details with you all.
First of all, a 6-year-old bringing a gun and manage to shoot a teacher is kind of ridiculous and textbook psy-op. That must be one tiny gun and a 6-year-old with a lot of training. And on January 6th to boot, a double 6, like 66, the shorthand code for Number of the Beast. And the teacher is allegedly named ‘Abby,’ with the double ‘bb,’ as in a symbolic representation of ’66.’ Such ‘coincidences’ should set off you bullshit alarm right away. Also, you should be aware by now that the phrase ‘6-year-old’ sums to ‘666’ in the Elizabethan cipher – as well as it sums to 360 in the reverse Satanic cipher, like 36 in numerology (you drop the zero.) It’s also 36 in Elizabethan reduction. And yes, 666 is the 36th Triangular number. Very strong connections!
Also, the phrase ‘6-year-old’ fits with Masonic Satanic rituals.

6-Year-Old = 115, 43, 360
Masonic = 115, 43, 360
Lucifer = 115, 43, 360
This fabricated story originated from Richneck Elementary School, out of Newport News, Virginia, a prefect name for a fake shooting.

Richneck = 44
Shooting = 44
Gunfire = 44
Also, there’s a perfect overlap between the school and the town, making the school a perfect target for a psy-op.

Newport News, Virginia = 261
Richneck Elementary School = 261
And the story is connected to the Satanic number of 55.

6-Year-Old-Boy = 55
Virginia = 55
Newport News = 55
Gun Violence = 55
Satan = 55
The fake story broke with a press conference held by the police chief Steve Drew, a name that perfectly matches the date-numerology. How convenient.
1/6/2023 = (1) + (6) + (20) + (23) = 50

Steve Drew = 50
Gun Control = 50 (what it is about)
Satanic = 50 (the theme of the ritual)
Jesuits = 50 (their masters)
Drew = 50
And Steve Drew fits the ritual in more ways than one.

Steve Drew = 122, 50, 111, 39
Satanic = 122, 50, 111, 39
Using a short date, it was also a day with 30-date numerology, which was perfect for these staged and fake events played out by the Freemasons within the police.
1/6/23 = (1) + (6) + (23) = 30

Police = 30, 30, 30
Order = 30, 30, 30
On January 6, there were 359 days remaining in 2023. 359 is the 72nd prime. It was also a day with 72-date numerology.
1/6/23 = 1 × 6 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 72

School = 72, 27 (double hit, as 27 is 72 backwards)
School Shooting = 72 (the theme)
Number of the Beast = 72 (again, coming full circle)
Also, the mayor of Newport News, Phillip Jones, is supposedly the youngest African-American mayor at 33-years-old in the city’s history. Of course, he’s a Freemasonic 33-years old!

Teacher = 33
Police = 33
Masonry = 33
The Masons = 33
Secrecy = 33
Order = 33
For some more, check Joseph’s video decode below.