
More Virus Programming Targeted at Children — Coverup of Vaccine Injuries?

This media report begins with a fabricated sob story of an alleged 15-month-old child coughing and not acting like her normal self. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book of writing, to get insecure and weak-minded parents emotionally involved so that they will be easier to program and act upon the false and extremely dangerous information provided after the moving introduction.However, if you actually know anything about how the media and the […]

More Virus Programming Targeted at Children — Coverup of Vaccine Injuries? Read the Full Article »

Extra Bogus COVID-19 Omicron XBB for X-Mas — Updated

Yes, here we go again. As I wrote on October 8, super-fake Covid-1984 is making a comeback this winter. And as of yesterday, we have another invented and scripted variant of something that does not exist. And the mockery never ends! Now we have an X-variant for X-mas! Yes, I kid you not! The paid “science”-shills are that silly! The hysterical media says that this new ‘XBB’ is part of a ‘new class’ of

Extra Bogus COVID-19 Omicron XBB for X-Mas — Updated Read the Full Article »

Trending: Covid-19 Vaccine Classified as Schedule 4 Poison in Australia — What it Actually Means

Recently, a few websites, and repeated posts on social media, showed a screenshot snippet of a document dated to March 2021, from Jacinda de Witts, Acting Secretary to the Department of Health in Australia, stating that ‘Covid-19 Vaccine is a Schedule 4 Poison.’ For many, this was ‘proof’ that vaccines are poison and very harmful. However, that is not the whole story… And no, the document is not ‘leaked.’ You can find that document

Trending: Covid-19 Vaccine Classified as Schedule 4 Poison in Australia — What it Actually Means Read the Full Article »

Comeback for COVAIDS-1984? Europe and U.S. Hints of New Fakery

All since they switched the script at the start of, ‘The Year of the Tiger,’ in February with the silly staged and fake CGI-war in Ukraine, poor little covaids-1984 has been put on the back burner. Instead, we had some over-the-top juvenile attempts to keep the programming of invisible contagious boogeymen alive by the reintroduction of Monkeypox and even Polio. However, those attempts were so half-hearted that they simply dissolved like a fart in

Comeback for COVAIDS-1984? Europe and U.S. Hints of New Fakery Read the Full Article »

Rockefeller’s Mercury Project to Further Dis-information and Silence the Truth

In light of yesterday’s article about WHO’s six policies for total enslavement policies, that are based on the germ and virus lie; those policies were foreshadowed by Rockefeller’s ongoing Mercury Project. And this is how they describe this “Mercury Project” in their own words: “The Social Science Research Council is providing USD 7.2 million to 12 teams advancing ambitious, applied social and behavioral science to combat the growing global threat posed by low Covid-19

Rockefeller’s Mercury Project to Further Dis-information and Silence the Truth Read the Full Article »

WHO says, “End of Covid-19 Pandemic is in Sight,” but Do Not get Fooled

A couple of news outlets, including CNN, ran with this story about ending the staged and fake plan-demic yesterday after a recent statement from the World Hell Organization, also known as ‘the propaganda machine that keep people sick, weak and enslaved.’ At a first glance, the sheeple will get a hefty dose of hopium with strong words such as, “We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic.” Then, if you

WHO says, “End of Covid-19 Pandemic is in Sight,” but Do Not get Fooled Read the Full Article »

What are They Planning for Late September/Early October? Follow-up

First off, this will be a little rant and summary of different theories floating around the ‘net, as well as what is actually going on in our world. It’s a bit of speculation, humor, and seriousness all mixed into one. The first part of this article series is here: Now, there are many agendas that are currently being shoveled in our faces. We have the Climate Change/Crisis Hoax of supposedly melting icecaps and oceans

What are They Planning for Late September/Early October? Follow-up Read the Full Article »

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