Vaccine Deaths

Soccer Journalist Grant Wahl and Ronnie Turner Dead by the Numbers – And Celine Dion’s Stiff-Person Syndrome (Not the Poke)

As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, these “celeb” deaths or weird ‘diseases’ are being reported pretty much every day now. And again, none of these “celebrities” have taken the poke, the clot shot. The other day Celine Dion was said to have “Stiff-Person Syndrome” all by the numbers. Of course, this is one of the made-up side-effects printed on page 8 of Pfizer’s “5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports,” which […]

Soccer Journalist Grant Wahl and Ronnie Turner Dead by the Numbers – And Celine Dion’s Stiff-Person Syndrome (Not the Poke) Read the Full Article »

The ‘Died Suddenly’ Psy-Op – A Tiny Bit of Truth Mixed with a Whole Lot of Lies — Updated 2

Remember “Watch the Water” by Stew Peters and his crew? Yes, the ridiculous and stupid “documentary” about ‘Covid-19’ being “snake venom” put in the water supply, and how they were frantically searching for a way to detox from said venom. Yeah, some people actually fell for that insane idea and shared that video. I did a quick post about it here: Now, the sinister controlled opposition behind ‘Watch the Water’ are back with

The ‘Died Suddenly’ Psy-Op – A Tiny Bit of Truth Mixed with a Whole Lot of Lies — Updated 2 Read the Full Article »

Blood Clotting and the Embalmers’ Blood Clot Stories

A few months back, posts and videos circulated on social media of alleged embalmers removing long wormlike blood clots from dead bodies, blaming it on the Covid-19 vaccines. I only touched lightly on this on our own community Ungovernable, but now it has resurfaced, especially here in Sweden. So, let’s go over this. Now, we know that the real Covid vaccine, that is, if you do not get a saline shot, can cause blood

Blood Clotting and the Embalmers’ Blood Clot Stories Read the Full Article »

More Virus Programming Targeted at Children — Coverup of Vaccine Injuries?

This media report begins with a fabricated sob story of an alleged 15-month-old child coughing and not acting like her normal self. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book of writing, to get insecure and weak-minded parents emotionally involved so that they will be easier to program and act upon the false and extremely dangerous information provided after the moving introduction.However, if you actually know anything about how the media and the

More Virus Programming Targeted at Children — Coverup of Vaccine Injuries? Read the Full Article »

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is Becoming a Common Thing, Time to Wake Up!

In the past couple of weeks, there have been a lot of headlines with “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” as seemingly healthy people are dropping dead for “unknown reasons.” Well, no one in the history of mankind has dropped dead of “unknown reasons.” That is not how biology nor our physiology works. It is not natural and if you can’t smell the bullshit a mile away, there is something seriously wrong with you, as in

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is Becoming a Common Thing, Time to Wake Up! Read the Full Article »

As I Said from the Start – At Least 70 to 85% of All Cov-1984 Vaccines are ‘Harmless’

When the vaccines started rolling out (for something that does not exist), I speculated that at least 70 to 85% would be salt water and less than 20 % would be the real thing, the maiming, sterilizing, and deadly weapon of depopulation. In mid-November, Craig Paardekooper examined all the available data from the VAERS database and filtered all the reported side effects and deaths to their correlating batch/lot number. And look and behold, as

As I Said from the Start – At Least 70 to 85% of All Cov-1984 Vaccines are ‘Harmless’ Read the Full Article »

Graphene Oxide and Hydroxide Theories/Speculation

I see a video posted yesterday circulating about Graphene Hydroxide, which may be present in some of the vaccines, probably those with a high batch-number ending with 20A and 21A (as for the Moderna). I theorized a bit about this some months ago, that the graphene hydroxide will act as razor blades once injected, as an explanation for breastfeeding babies of vaccinated mothers dying of blood-clots and for the rising deaths of elite athletes

Graphene Oxide and Hydroxide Theories/Speculation Read the Full Article »

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