
Denver Sheriff Deputy Killed in Mocking Ritual to blame Covid-19

Everyone with half a working brain should know by now that the controlling elite will do anything to further their fake pandemic nonsense and to mock and shame those who know the truth and refuse the depopulation sterilizing jab.This “story” is the perfect example of lies, deceit and mockery.Let’s decode it using their language of choice, Gematria. I will explain some of the decoding to make it easier for new followers. So, Denver Sheriff […]

Denver Sheriff Deputy Killed in Mocking Ritual to blame Covid-19 Read the Full Article »

Florida concert promoter selling tickets to Vaccinated for $18, and non-Vaccinated for $999

Not sure if there’s any truth to this mock-story, because that imbecile selling the tickets could easily be sued for discrimination and that would be that for him. Anyway, this is a good little story for exploring numerology and Gematria – the elite’s language of choice. $999 is of course a tribute to 666 – The Mark of the Beast. In the occult, especially within Freemasonry, everything is “turned up-side-down” or “mirrored”, just as

Florida concert promoter selling tickets to Vaccinated for $18, and non-Vaccinated for $999 Read the Full Article »

The Big Covid Lie: Russia Starts Vaccinating Animals

The elites see most of us as “useless eaters” as “cattle”, yes, they look at us as animals. That is what the Covid Jab is for – depopulation, sterilization, thinning out the herd – the great culling!So, this story is not only about the idiocy of hurting innocent animals for something that does not exist, it’s also about mocking us – their cattle. The stupid ones take the jab and even gives it to

The Big Covid Lie: Russia Starts Vaccinating Animals Read the Full Article »

BBC Presenter Lisa Shaw Dead after Jab. Another Jesuit/Freemason Human Sacrifice Ritual

This story is heavily coded with Gematria. There are so many cross-references that your head will spin. But hey, it’s all coincidences, right? That coincidence theory of yours would have you win the Lottery every week at this rate!Let’s break it down! The story broke on a Thursday (Thu) with the very odd start of the headline with “Lisa Shaw Death:”Thu: 49, 13, 14Lisa Shaw Death: 49Jab: 13Lisa: 14 She died at 44-years-old.Kill: 44SARS-C0V-2:

BBC Presenter Lisa Shaw Dead after Jab. Another Jesuit/Freemason Human Sacrifice Ritual Read the Full Article »

COV-idiots fooled into taking the DEATH-Jab over Rigged Lottery

This is just so sad and a little bit hilarious at the same time.In an effort to kill more “useless eaters” with the death-jab, a $1-million lottery “Vax-a-Million” was announced for those braindead enough to take the shot. And guess what? The first winner was recently announced! Let’s take a look at this story, using their language of trade – Gematria! The first winner (allegedly) of Ohio’s Vaccine lottery is Abbigail Bugenske. Such a

COV-idiots fooled into taking the DEATH-Jab over Rigged Lottery Read the Full Article »

Shakespeare Dead – Another Jesuit joke

“William Shakespeare, first UK man to get the Depopulation-jab, dead at 81”I touched on this Catholic-Jesuit (Society of Jesus) joke on the English people when vaccination started in the UK, how they mocked us with “Shakespeare” (which actually was the Jesuit philosopher Francis Bacon.) And now, the joke comes to an epic end. As you should know by now, the entire “pandemic” is just a made-up Jesuit plot to further the depopulation part of

Shakespeare Dead – Another Jesuit joke Read the Full Article »

Anthony Fauci hints on “Booster Shots” by the Numbers

The little Jesuit puppet Anthony Fauci claims, “Covid Booster Shot will likely be needed – ‘Within a year or so’.”This is of course predictive programming. They can’t give you Covid shots forever and ever. They need to come up with a new cool name for it. So, why not ‘booster shots’? Let’s break down what this uneducated clown just said, using their choice of language – Gematria. Covid Booster Shot: 88Within a year or

Anthony Fauci hints on “Booster Shots” by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Seychelles: 60% has taken the death jab, imaginary infection still rising

This will be a short one, but I can’t skip it because it is important.The Corona Covid-19 Pandemic is entirely fake. And this story is just another way they mock us and condition us to “never feel safe”, always “be afraid”, and that you will need more shots – a decade of vaccines as Bill Gates said in his interviews…We will use Gematria to decode this article. Seychelles: 113Coronavirus Pandemic: 113Jesuits: 113 (Jew Ord)

Seychelles: 60% has taken the death jab, imaginary infection still rising Read the Full Article »

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