
The Covid Virus LIE – They’re Going After our Animals: What we can expect in the next few years…

They have been playing at this for some time now, that animals could get infected with fantasy viruses, something that does not even exist. Unfortunately, the majority of people are dumber than a bag of nuts, and are still believing in the pandemic hoax, the contagion fraud – all of the bullocks despite years of evidence of the contrary. The document from states this: “New human coronaviruses can originate from domesticated animals. HCoV-OC43 […]

The Covid Virus LIE – They’re Going After our Animals: What we can expect in the next few years… Read the Full Article »

Microsoft to require vaccines for workers at its US offices

Of course, one of the most malevolent corporations out there follow suit to require its slaves, ‘employees’, to get vaccinated. Going against human rights, natural law, and anything decent. No surprise there. However, remember, it’s only an offer. There are no laws require you to do anything. You stupid enough to work for an employer trying to coerce you into being transhuman and injure yourself with a deadly vaccine? I promise you, getting fired

Microsoft to require vaccines for workers at its US offices Read the Full Article »

White House Claims 70% Vaccination Rate in Accordance with Bill and Melinda Gates Divorce

The world is a stage. Everything is scripted, made-up to fit their numerology and gematria. Let’s take a quick look at these stories. Sure, a lot of people are gullible idiots, falling right into the trap of a fake pandemic and the need to take an experimental emergency-release medical procedure claimed to be a vaccine (aka., ‘Mark of the Beast’). Yeah, vaccines for imaginary transmittable diseases – something that does not exist. Gullible, dumbed-down,

White House Claims 70% Vaccination Rate in Accordance with Bill and Melinda Gates Divorce Read the Full Article »

Mandatory Vaccination, WHO and the 666 Code. More on the history of the fake pandemic – Clade X and Event 201

It should be quite obvious that vaccines are solely for injuring, maiming, sterilizing/infertility and killing people. No virus has ever been isolated, proven to exist or the be a contagion. That is all pseudo-science. A contagion, or “infectious diseases”, are an impossibility in biology. Life would never have multiplied as it has if living beings could infect each other. Still, this fraudulent germ- and virus- theory reigns after being debunked thousands of times throughout

Mandatory Vaccination, WHO and the 666 Code. More on the history of the fake pandemic – Clade X and Event 201 Read the Full Article »

The Swedish Gestapo Media showing its Colors

This is a perfect example of how sick and twisted the Swedish Media is. These people in the mainstream media need to be faced with martial law for crimes of war! From the communist toilet-paper Aftonbladet: “The Swedish anti-vaccine movement against corona vaccination is organizing itself on social media.They trigger each other to tear down posters with the Swedish Public Health Agency’s recommendations, share misinformation and urge others not to get vaccinated against the

The Swedish Gestapo Media showing its Colors Read the Full Article »

Propaganda Story says Thailand is building a Covid-19 hospital, but what is the real purpose?

Here you go! Yet another propaganda piece from the globalist scumbags, trying to put fear in your bones with all these fantasy virus variants that are killing people. No. There is no contagion. There is no virus. That is a BIOLOGICAL impossibility. Do not fall for the lie that is the Rockefeller sponsored Germ Theory and Western Medicine.If people are getting sick and dying, it is from the experimental medical procedure they call Covid-19

Propaganda Story says Thailand is building a Covid-19 hospital, but what is the real purpose? Read the Full Article »

The Emperor Has No Corona

Again, no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist. It is all a big lie. The emperor has no Corona! All viruses are simply ‘in silico science’, that is, they are made-up models. Back in the day, they were drawings, now they are computer models. As for Covid-19, it’s simply a silly computer-generated model with no basis in reality. If you do not understand this simple concept, you have a lot of

The Emperor Has No Corona Read the Full Article »

It’s SCRIPTED! It’s all FAKE! 5.6 = 56! Wake up little sheep!

The non-existent virus has now “infected” an imaginary 5.6 million sheeple in the UK. Yes, we know it’s all a big lie. However, there are brainwashed zombies still believing that viruses and contagion is real. Like they are all living in la-la-land. Let’s break down this story using Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality to keep us oblivious to how the world really works and what is going

It’s SCRIPTED! It’s all FAKE! 5.6 = 56! Wake up little sheep! Read the Full Article »

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