
Sweden to Remove All Corona Restrictions on September 29

How nice of them to wait with this until mid-autumn, the perfect transition between seasons just before our natural cleaning and detoxification process occurs in most people that are toxic. Yes, unless you are a sleeping brainwashed little sheep, you should know by now that the germ- and virus theory is just that, a theory, and a fraudulent one at that. No virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist as a contagion. […]

Sweden to Remove All Corona Restrictions on September 29 Read the Full Article »

Today’s Propaganda: Vietnamese man jailed for five years for spreading coronavirus

Imaging that, being jailed for something that is less likely to be real than the Teletubbies or the wisecracking talking horse Mister Ed.Yes, of course it’s pure bullocks. There is no coronavirus, there is no contagion, but there is a quiet war being waged upon us with silent weapons. Weapons such as government, the media, the fake western ‘modern’ medicine, the big corporations, and now the maiming jab – made possible by this fake

Today’s Propaganda: Vietnamese man jailed for five years for spreading coronavirus Read the Full Article »

More Distasteful Vaccine Propaganda from the Media

I’ve covered several stories about ‘celebrities’ pushing this depopulation vaccine, as the little puppets on strings they are. False idols promoting pure evil as instructed by their handlers to persuade the weak-minded to hurt and even kill themselves. By partaking in this fake pandemic, by recommending the vaccine, you are a complicit to all the side-effects, including sterilization and death. You are by definition a war criminal and I assure you; justice will prevail

More Distasteful Vaccine Propaganda from the Media Read the Full Article »

Deaths Skyrockets After the Third Vaccine Shot in Israel

As a truth-seeker, information analyst, and expert of human physiology, biology, and microbiology, you wish you were wrong about almost everything you find out and understand in today’s world. All the information is available to find for those who seek. Unfortunately, most people are so tired, fatigued, and dumbed down, that they never research anything. They just get spoon-fed by the Jesuit-controlled propaganda machine called ‘the news’.When the first shot of vaccine was administrated

Deaths Skyrockets After the Third Vaccine Shot in Israel Read the Full Article »


Du kan inte få något skydd alls mot något som inte existerar. Det finns ingen smitta! Detta är kontrollerad opposition ut i fingerspetsarna. Makteliten vill styra diskussionen på båda sidorna av myntet – och hålla majoriteten av oss borta från den stora elefanten i rummet – att det inte finns några virus, att det inte finns någon smitta! Så snälla rara små halvljumna sanningssökare, gör er research! Fall inte pladask för sådan här smörja!

NEJ! NEJ! NEJ! Read the Full Article »

“Short Illness”, the ‘code word’ for Vaccine Deaths?

More and more news-stories pop up where people have died after “short illness”, all of them vaccinated, of course. Just check the link below or the obituaries in the local paper… And a quick look at Gematria reveals quite a bit. All these phrases have 2, or 3 cipher matches with “Short Illness”, which is really rare. World War Three: what the vaccines are, silent weapons for a quiet war.Puppet Master: the 13 families

“Short Illness”, the ‘code word’ for Vaccine Deaths? Read the Full Article »

Drs. Thomas Cowan and Andrew Kaufman Interviewed by Mike Adams of Brighteon: Why the Covid Pandemic is a Farce

Many of us know by now that the Pandemic is a Psy-Op, a hoax, a big fat lie. We also know that a ‘virus’ has never been isolated or even proven to exist. It’s all a big scam. This interview, especially if you’re not familiar with the truth, is a must see to understand what is happening as far as virus isolation, the depopulation vaccines, and this so called viral pandemic. It is nothing

Drs. Thomas Cowan and Andrew Kaufman Interviewed by Mike Adams of Brighteon: Why the Covid Pandemic is a Farce Read the Full Article »

J&J LIE about their Boosters in more Brainwashing Propaganda – And a Lesson in Disease

The clowns of the pseudoscience known as ‘modern medicine’ continues with their lies and deceit. This time it’s Johnson & Johnson claiming that their booster shot prompts large increase in immune response. Well, first of all you degenerate puppets, we do not have an “immune system”. An “immune system”, as defined by your pseudoscience, requires an outside and invisible attacker. That is fantasy that goes against biology and has been debunked thousands of times

J&J LIE about their Boosters in more Brainwashing Propaganda – And a Lesson in Disease Read the Full Article »

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