vaccinate children

Sweetener Allegedly Linked to ‘Blood Clotting,’ Heart Attack and Stroke – And What is Actually Making People Sick

Erythritol, an ‘organic’ four-carbon sugar alcohol (polyol) used as a food additive and sugar substitute – mostly to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monk fruit and keto reduced-sugar products – has allegedly been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study that has trended in the media for the last two days. Does these “side-effects” sound familiar? Yeah, even more nonsense to cover up the effects of a […]

Sweetener Allegedly Linked to ‘Blood Clotting,’ Heart Attack and Stroke – And What is Actually Making People Sick Read the Full Article »

More Young Children Getting Sick (and Dying)? And the Alleged Shedding

As I’ve explained in previous year’s articles, the winter season is always accompanied with more people experiencing symptoms of detoxification, healing and repairing – or as the false modern medicine calls it, “disease” and “illness.” The reasons are many. The lack of sun exposure, the increase in toxic and damaging comfort foods, stress and biological conflicts due school and work that gets resolved during the holidays, natural detox cycles being triggered by drastic changes

More Young Children Getting Sick (and Dying)? And the Alleged Shedding Read the Full Article »

The ‘Died Suddenly’ Psy-Op – A Tiny Bit of Truth Mixed with a Whole Lot of Lies — Updated 2

Remember “Watch the Water” by Stew Peters and his crew? Yes, the ridiculous and stupid “documentary” about ‘Covid-19’ being “snake venom” put in the water supply, and how they were frantically searching for a way to detox from said venom. Yeah, some people actually fell for that insane idea and shared that video. I did a quick post about it here: Now, the sinister controlled opposition behind ‘Watch the Water’ are back with

The ‘Died Suddenly’ Psy-Op – A Tiny Bit of Truth Mixed with a Whole Lot of Lies — Updated 2 Read the Full Article »

The Fake ‘Transmittable’ Disease Scare Continues, Aimed at Parents and Children as Second Pandemic Looms

In tandem with the extremely coded and fabricated story I decoded and wrote about on October 22 about RSV, CNN and other media outlets now ramp up their ‘disease’ programming as the winter approaches and as people, and especially children, develop detoxification symptoms as they always do during this part of the year – a clever strategy which make their lies seem more real.As you can see in the featured image taken from CNN,

The Fake ‘Transmittable’ Disease Scare Continues, Aimed at Parents and Children as Second Pandemic Looms Read the Full Article »

More Virus Programming Targeted at Children — Coverup of Vaccine Injuries?

This media report begins with a fabricated sob story of an alleged 15-month-old child coughing and not acting like her normal self. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book of writing, to get insecure and weak-minded parents emotionally involved so that they will be easier to program and act upon the false and extremely dangerous information provided after the moving introduction.However, if you actually know anything about how the media and the

More Virus Programming Targeted at Children — Coverup of Vaccine Injuries? Read the Full Article »

Joe Biden Says Second Pandemic is Coming, Vaccination of Toddlers Begins, and Pseudo-Scientists Talks About Coronavirus ‘Subvariants’ That Escape “Antibodies”

Do not think for one second that it’s over. The never-ending story of lies and deceit continues. On the Summer Solstice, June 21, puppet Joe Biden said that they need funding to fight Covid-19 as a ‘second pandemic’ is coming. Well, thank you ‘Mr. Obvious.’ As long as the dumbed down sleeping masses believe in the virus lie, this act of terror, this act of war on the people, will continue. At the same

Joe Biden Says Second Pandemic is Coming, Vaccination of Toddlers Begins, and Pseudo-Scientists Talks About Coronavirus ‘Subvariants’ That Escape “Antibodies” Read the Full Article »

FDA Vote to Authorize Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 as a Tribute to Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed

Yes, they are still at it, although most people seem to have forgotten about the staged and fake pandemic by now. I haven’t really heard any mention of “Covid” from the sheep in months, not since the staged and fake war in Ukraine or the silly ‘Monkeypox’ hoax – and speaking of which, WHO will rename ‘Monkeypox’ because some snowflake closely related to the monkeys deemed it ‘discriminatory’ and ‘stigmatizing.’ That’s an article in

FDA Vote to Authorize Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 as a Tribute to Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed Read the Full Article »

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Covid-19 Booster for Children Ages 5 to 11, 201-Days After Bill Gates Birthday

The unfathomable evil and deceit continues. There is, and have never been, such a thing as a virus or transmittable disease, much less something as idiotic as pandemics. Up to this date, 187 health and science institutions from all over the world have all failed to cite even one record of Covid-19, or any virus, being isolated and proven to exist. The existence of viruses is simply a fabricated and very profitable lie. Unfortunately,

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Covid-19 Booster for Children Ages 5 to 11, 201-Days After Bill Gates Birthday Read the Full Article »

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