
World Stage Puppet Novak Djokovic Win 10th Australian Open and 22nd Grand Slam, For a Total Record of 22-11/33

The Freemason, born and bred world stage puppet, and false idol for the ‘anti-vaxxers’ are back in the news again after another ‘bread and circus’ highly Satanic ritual. Last year, I covered Mr. ‘No-Vaxx’ Djokovic in length, and how everything around him was done by the numbers, as they ALWAYS do. This scripted victory over other world stage puppet Stefanos Tsitsipas was predicted by many of us in the real truther community, as such […]

World Stage Puppet Novak Djokovic Win 10th Australian Open and 22nd Grand Slam, For a Total Record of 22-11/33 Read the Full Article »

Divide and Conquer: Elon Musk’s COVID Booster Tweet

Yesterday, a series of tweets by actor and puppet Elon Musk, or one of its handlers, more or less went viral on social media and also got exposure in the mainstream media, especially the “right-wing” and alternative media – you know, the opposite end of the same axis serving the same script. The tweet in question shared Musk’s alleged personal experience with the second COVID Booster shot, claiming he ran into ‘major side effects.’

Divide and Conquer: Elon Musk’s COVID Booster Tweet Read the Full Article »

More Young Children Getting Sick (and Dying)? And the Alleged Shedding

As I’ve explained in previous year’s articles, the winter season is always accompanied with more people experiencing symptoms of detoxification, healing and repairing – or as the false modern medicine calls it, “disease” and “illness.” The reasons are many. The lack of sun exposure, the increase in toxic and damaging comfort foods, stress and biological conflicts due school and work that gets resolved during the holidays, natural detox cycles being triggered by drastic changes

More Young Children Getting Sick (and Dying)? And the Alleged Shedding Read the Full Article »

Bam Margera Allegedly Hospitalized with Pneumonia and Orwell-19

There is actually a reason why I cover this, and it would make the late analytical psychologist Carl Jung very happy – not in an occult-paranormal satanic New Age kind of way, but more in a funny simulation-theory coincidence kind of way. This last Thursday, me and my brother jokingly discussed old crappy attempts at programming the youth with agenda-driven morals, values, and attitudes, and we brought up MTV’s Jackass and especially Bam Margera

Bam Margera Allegedly Hospitalized with Pneumonia and Orwell-19 Read the Full Article »

UK Gov. Report Admits 19.2 Million People in England Have NOT Had a Single Dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine

This goes hand-in-hand with what I exposed and wrote about last autumn. And you can bet that even these numbers have been manipulated to make it look better than what it is. Links will be at the end of the article. For months the British public have been deceived with tales that there are just 5 million people in the United Kingdom who have refused to take up the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine.

UK Gov. Report Admits 19.2 Million People in England Have NOT Had a Single Dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine Read the Full Article »

Supreme Court blocks US vaccine mandate for large businesses, but not health care workers

So, The Supreme Court blocked “President” Joe Biden’s vaccine and testing requirement aimed at large businesses, but allowed a vaccine mandate towards health care workers nationwide.Again, a very planned ritual, and step in the staged and fake pandemic. Those against being slaves and ‘forced’ to take a maiming, sterilizing and deadly vaccine will see this as a win – and especially those against the puppet Joe Biden. Meanwhile, health care workers will have to

Supreme Court blocks US vaccine mandate for large businesses, but not health care workers Read the Full Article »

Canada’s “No Vax, Pay Tax,” allegedly lead to them lying about a spike in vaccinations in an obvious 56-ritual

Only one day after the “No Vax, Pay Tax,” ritualistic announcement, the province’s health minister claims that first-time appointments have spiked. Of course, my “bullshit-alarm” went off like no tomorrow. This is of course lies and just another ritual by the numbers. The headline reads as, “Canada says vaccine mandates work as Quebec’s ‘unvaxxed tax’ leads to spike in first-dose appointments.” “Unvaxxed tax,” eh? How very original to spell it with x’s. Of course,

Canada’s “No Vax, Pay Tax,” allegedly lead to them lying about a spike in vaccinations in an obvious 56-ritual Read the Full Article »

No vax, pay tax, says Canada as they go full New World Order

You know the saying, ‘never go full retard,’ unfortunately, that is what the world has been doing since the staged and fake pandemic surfaced in 2020.And now, Canada, just like Australia, is hinting on the next step in Agenda 2030, the next step to the New World Order, as they want to tax every real untouched and unaltered human beings with a fee no less than C$100 ($79.50.) If you read between the lines,

No vax, pay tax, says Canada as they go full New World Order Read the Full Article »

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