mental illness

If You’re Cranky, It’s Your Own Fault

The pharmaceutical pseudoscience shill site ‘healthline’ recently posted an article with what they call the “science” of being ‘cranky,’ as in the reasons for feeling irritable and annoyed. Science you say? Well, the first rule of “science” is to question everything, especially what is believed by indoctrinated dimwits to be “established science,” so this could be fun. Let’s get on with it. In their article, ‘healthline’ presents five explanations for being stuck in a […]

If You’re Cranky, It’s Your Own Fault Read the Full Article »

Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science”

Since childhood, you’ve been programmed to respect, listen to, and not question anything from authority figures, preferable in white coats and with a funny name, no matter how stupid or mocking their suggestions or “facts” are. A perfect example of this was the staged and fake Coronavirus pandemic where the most indoctrinated puppets put on face diapers, refrained from even meeting or hugging loved ones, lined up 6 feet apart when outside, and even

Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science” Read the Full Article »

The Gay-Transgender Agenda: Miss Netherlands 2023 is a Man

Be warned, I will hold no punches today, this is simply too important for the future of our children as they are constantly being attacked by this Luciferian agenda. Anyone who are okay with this gay-transgender obscenity, or even think that it’s “beautiful” and “open-minded,” has been successfully brainwashed, successfully ridden of any sound, healthy and natural values, and has actually been turned into a Luciferian sheep who is secretly worshipping the androgynous image

The Gay-Transgender Agenda: Miss Netherlands 2023 is a Man Read the Full Article »

Creatine is a Conditionally Essential Nutrient and Most People are Deficient

We’ve known about the importance and interesting properties of creatine for well over 30 years now, and every year or so, more evidence emerge beyond the initial benefits of creatine simply being a key nutrient for short physical bursts and explosive movements, especially when it comes to cognition and mental health. Now, this should not be surprising. In fact, it’s highly logical, as it is a nutrient found in abundance in meat. That in

Creatine is a Conditionally Essential Nutrient and Most People are Deficient Read the Full Article »

People are Stressed and Exhausted as They Focus on Energy Drinks and ‘Calories’ Instead of Nutritional Density

“People are stressed out and exhausted. The past two and a half years, full of public health crises, recession and inflation…” Well, I can almost agree with that reasoning. A lot of people are stressed out, exhausted and financially broken after living through the staged and fake pandemic and the increases in living cost from manipulated and rigged price increases of electricity, gasoline, and food. And even worse, people have been conditioned and brainwashed

People are Stressed and Exhausted as They Focus on Energy Drinks and ‘Calories’ Instead of Nutritional Density Read the Full Article »

Mentally Ill Detainee, Suspected of Role in 9/11, Set for Transfer in Yet Another 9/11-Ritual

On the day before, February 3, we had a very obvious 9/11-ritual involving an accusation of Vladimir Putin preparing a False Flag. That in itself was pure mocking since 9/11 was one of the biggest false flags in history, planned since long before the construction of the towers.Now, on February 4, when there was a conjunction of Saturn with the Sun, the Jesuits could not help themselves and did another even more obvious one

Mentally Ill Detainee, Suspected of Role in 9/11, Set for Transfer in Yet Another 9/11-Ritual Read the Full Article »

White House Scare Propaganda – Threatening Real People with Severe Illness and Death

The White House and staff are Satanic sick wretched bastards – threatening the real pure blood non-vaccinated people. They actually printed this in their briefing. Seven paragraphs down: – link to briefing Thank you Anthony Davison for the tweet! Remember, viruses and transmittable diseases does not exist! That is the fraud of the century. Will update tomorrow.

White House Scare Propaganda – Threatening Real People with Severe Illness and Death Read the Full Article »

Mental Illness is Usually From Poor Nutrition (Vegan/Plant-Based)

Do you experience anxiety, depression, nervousness, brain fog, mood swings, or social phobias on a regular basis without any real trauma or explanation behind it? Do you easily get pulled into different kinds of convictions? Do you rather follow the herd than ask questions, speak up, and think for yourself? If you do, your diet and/or food choices may most probably be the culprit. Mental illness disorders like those listed above and many others

Mental Illness is Usually From Poor Nutrition (Vegan/Plant-Based) Read the Full Article »

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