heart attack

The Truth About Heart Attacks and Life Essential Cholesterol

Today we yet again return to the Bodybuilding and Fitness website T-Nation and their take on “exposing” Big Pharma and their lies about heart attacks and medicine in general. Let’s see what they got right and what, due to their limited understanding of human physiology, they got wrong. They begin their story with a “healthy guy” who without any risk factors recently underwent heart surgery due to blockages, which raised the question of what […]

The Truth About Heart Attacks and Life Essential Cholesterol Read the Full Article »

Article Review: Eggs, a Real Superfood

The Muscle and Fitness websites are not exactly known for their quality content, pretty much the opposite in fact. So, it came as a big surprise that they actually published a decent article on eggs where the author, SJ McShane, got most things right. In all honesty, it should be simple and logical. An egg contains everything needed to create a life, a chicken. In other words, it contains all the nutrition needed to

Article Review: Eggs, a Real Superfood Read the Full Article »

Sweetener Allegedly Linked to ‘Blood Clotting,’ Heart Attack and Stroke – And What is Actually Making People Sick

Erythritol, an ‘organic’ four-carbon sugar alcohol (polyol) used as a food additive and sugar substitute – mostly to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monk fruit and keto reduced-sugar products – has allegedly been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study that has trended in the media for the last two days. Does these “side-effects” sound familiar? Yeah, even more nonsense to cover up the effects of a

Sweetener Allegedly Linked to ‘Blood Clotting,’ Heart Attack and Stroke – And What is Actually Making People Sick Read the Full Article »

Study: Bodybuilders That Died Prematurely of Heart Related Issues

Honestly, it’s a bit of an exaggeration to call this a study, but that’s what the authors claim in their abstract. In short, the authors did a google search for dead bodybuilders and then filtered it down using parameters such as being no more than 50-years old and dying of heart-related issues within the last 12 years. Initially they found 45 American bodybuilders and then identified a total of 14 that fitted within their

Study: Bodybuilders That Died Prematurely of Heart Related Issues Read the Full Article »

Murder by Numbers: Kathy Whitworth, Ronan Vibert, and Dax Tejera

Again, we have celebrities “dying suddenly” or from “short illness,” something that seem to happen pretty much daily now. As I’ve covered many times previous, this is not from the magic potion, the hokey pokey, as they gaslight baby-truthers and anti-vaxxers to believe, but from ritual sacrifices – as they’ve done for hundred of years. Nothing new, except that they have stepped it up a notch. Something bigger is likely at the horizon. I

Murder by Numbers: Kathy Whitworth, Ronan Vibert, and Dax Tejera Read the Full Article »

The Infodemic: Anti-Vaxxer’s and ‘Pandemic Deniers’ to be Labelled as Terrorists

I’ve covered the Infodemic many, many times now since they launched the staged and fake pandemic. To summarize, the World Hell Organization (WHO,) define the ‘infodemic’ as false or misleading information that causes confusion and risk-taking behaviors that can harm health and cause mistrust in health authorities. “An infodemic is too much information including false or misleading information in digital and physical environments during a disease outbreak. It causes confusion and risk-taking behaviours that

The Infodemic: Anti-Vaxxer’s and ‘Pandemic Deniers’ to be Labelled as Terrorists Read the Full Article »

CDC Dances Around the Extreme Rate of Heart Inflammation from Vaccines

As of late, mainstream media has been doing its best to program us to normalize strokes and heart disease, even among children! In truth, heart disease is very rare among young people and only occur at older age among those who have been clogging themselves with vegetable oils (seed oils) and processed carbohydrates. In healthy people following our natural species appropriate diet of carnivorism, any kind of disease, especially cardiovascular disease, is non-existent. However,

CDC Dances Around the Extreme Rate of Heart Inflammation from Vaccines Read the Full Article »

LMHR Hypothesis by Dave Feldman and The Real Science on Cholesterol

By request of a good friend, this will be a quick review of this video (below) by Dave Feldman, where he is asking for participants for a study on cholesterol and plaque build-up. While his intention might be good, he has no idea of what he is doing and is mixing pseudo-science into his own hypothesizes. This all goes back to the “doctors” (charlatans) Brown and Goldstein, who allegedly saw a patient that in

LMHR Hypothesis by Dave Feldman and The Real Science on Cholesterol Read the Full Article »

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