Word Stage Actor Donald Trump Indicted by Manhattan Grand Jury (Skull and Bones Freemasonry Ritual)

On March 30, 2023, Trump faces more than ‘30’ counts related to business fraud in an indictment from a Manhattan grand jury, according to the media. 30 counts on the 30th day of the month. Also, March 30, as in 3/30 is simply ‘33,’ the highest degree within Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Well, I guess we’re off to a good start on this one. Remember, the arrest that Trump cried out about on Truth […]

Word Stage Actor Donald Trump Indicted by Manhattan Grand Jury (Skull and Bones Freemasonry Ritual) Read the Full Article »

Murder by Numbers — Black Racism: Bob Marley’s Grandson Joseph Mersa Dead at 31

Yes, it’s getting hard to keep up with all the sacrifice rituals of actors, musicians, and other semi-celebrities. I explained the why in my article from yesterday, as this has nothing to do with the pokey, the magic potion, but all to do with rituals, the infodemic, and gaslighting. Joseph Mersa Marley was allegedly found dead in a vehicle, yesterday, on Tuesday, December 27. South Florida WZPP radio station and IBT claimed that he

Murder by Numbers — Black Racism: Bob Marley’s Grandson Joseph Mersa Dead at 31 Read the Full Article »

“Scientists” Claim Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough by the Numbers

This story comes at a perfect time when the world is experiencing a staged and totally fake energy crisis. And not only that, like all ‘discoveries’ and big ‘breakthroughs’ they are coded and presented by the numbers covered by little stinky Jesuit and Freemasonic fingerprints. That alone make you wonder how much truth there are to these “scientific” breakthroughs, or if they are real at all? As for electricity, the model and idea we

“Scientists” Claim Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Watermelon Smashing Gallagher Dead on the Release of Black Panther 2 – And Voice of Batman, Conroy, Dead at ‘66’

Something is up. There have been more “celeb” deaths in the past weeks than in a very long time, and as always, all of them by the numbers. Actually, there are currently so many “dying” (or retiring,) that CNN have started a new column on their website called ‘People we’ve lost.’ Since my last article about this on November 10, where we had three musicians die within a day of each other, we now

Watermelon Smashing Gallagher Dead on the Release of Black Panther 2 – And Voice of Batman, Conroy, Dead at ‘66’ Read the Full Article »

The Coolio Distraction – Hoax? Actually Dead? Retired, or What? — Updated 2

The most bizarre distraction during Tuesday and Wednesday was the “death” of rapper Coolio. I have to be honest; I had no idea who this ‘Coolio’ character was. I’m not into false idol worshipping or brain-rot retarded music played to brainwash the dumbed down masses, but the story had an interesting twist to it. It seems that it all started on Tuesday with a ‘R.I.P. Coolio’ Facebook page that received more than a million

The Coolio Distraction – Hoax? Actually Dead? Retired, or What? — Updated 2 Read the Full Article »

Explosion inside Chicago Apartment Building – Freemasonic Satanic Ritual Connected to Obama and the Georgia Guidestones – Updated!

The London Bridge Operation is over, the Queen’s funeral has come to an end, and we’re back to their old shenanigans again. This time we have a pre-planned and scripted explosion of an apartment building in Chicago, all done by the numbers. This explosion happened on Tuesday, September 20, a day leaving 102-days remaining in the year. It happened in an apartment building in South Austin, Chicago. Apartment Building = 102 (and 78, 273)South Austin,

Explosion inside Chicago Apartment Building – Freemasonic Satanic Ritual Connected to Obama and the Georgia Guidestones – Updated! Read the Full Article »

California, Illinois and New York Declares ‘State of Emergency’ After Accounting for ‘47%’ of Imaginary U.S. Monkeypox Sodom and Gomorrah Virus Cases

According to the scripted news, California, Illinois and New York have reported 47% of all confirmed monkeypox infections in the U.S. Just like the compass on the Freemasonic logo is set at 47 degrees, how original.In total, the U.S. has reported nearly 6,000 cases of monkeypox across 48 states. And that for a “disease” and an imaginary virus that does not exist. However, they love the mockery since monkeypox has been labelled a gay

California, Illinois and New York Declares ‘State of Emergency’ After Accounting for ‘47%’ of Imaginary U.S. Monkeypox Sodom and Gomorrah Virus Cases Read the Full Article »

In the Year of Green: Sprite Will No Longer be Sold in Green Bottles

The Coca-Cola Company said Wednesday it’s changing the packaging of Sprite from green to clear plastic beginning August 1 as part to become more ‘environmentally responsible.’Well, if you think this has anything to do with the environment, then you are very naïve. This is a clear masonic ritual and part of the silly green agenda that has been accelerating this year. Remember the importance of the number ‘333’ in Masonic lore? I covered that

In the Year of Green: Sprite Will No Longer be Sold in Green Bottles Read the Full Article »

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