Search Results for: defense chemicals damage

Do This Instead – Meat and Eggs

As Saturnalia, or “Christmas,” approaches with people finding excuses to shovel toxic life-shortening fat-building crap down their pieholes, Chris Shugart of T-Nation is back with a “One Protein Shake a Day for Muscle” bulking-up article for boys and gals who want to be swole without looking like fat pigs. Always with the f**king artificial man-made crappy protein powders and shakes. Jeez. Shugart begins his article with advocating for a “smarter” bulk approach with gaining […]

Do This Instead – Meat and Eggs Read the Full Article »

Quick Start: Nutrition, Supplements, and Our Natural Species-Appropriate Diet

This is a collection of articles by me, Joachim Bartoll, to get you started on the ultimate truth about human nutrition; how we humans as obvious obligate hyper carnivores are meant to eat to thrive and maximize our life span. I worked in the Gym-, Fitness-, Health-, Sports-, Supplement-, and Medical/Pharmaceutical Industry as both a Coach/Trainer, Scientist, Educator, Writer/Author, and Editor in Chief for more than 28 years combined. I began coaching elite athletes

Quick Start: Nutrition, Supplements, and Our Natural Species-Appropriate Diet Read the Full Article »

The One-Thing for Pumped-Up Erections

As I’m a big sucker for health and like to poke at the industry I worked in for more than 25 years, we once again return to T-Nation and their Co-founder TC Luoma as he tackles the topic of erections. His article opens with a quick look at the extremely unhealthy market of erection drugs and the various side-effects, including a ‘bloody member.’ That preamble takes us to a list of more ‘natural’ and

The One-Thing for Pumped-Up Erections Read the Full Article »

Kim Kardashian Named ‘Man of the Year’ and Pesticides in Plant-Food Reduce Sperm-Count Worldwide

The story about pesticides kind of flew under the radar as it was appropriately released on the same day as male-to-female plastic-experiment Kim Kardashian ritualistically was announced ‘Man of the Year’ by Satanic “men’s magazine” GQ — where ‘it’ will be on the cover of the November 28 issue, as in 11/28, or 1128, the 47th triangular number, as in ‘Beast,’ which sums to 47 in simple gematria.And for sure, Kim Kardashian is a

Kim Kardashian Named ‘Man of the Year’ and Pesticides in Plant-Food Reduce Sperm-Count Worldwide Read the Full Article »

What Food Cravings Actually Mean

Today we’re heading back to the most visited health website on the ‘Interplebs,’, as I discovered that they have an article on ‘food cravings’ and they made a complete mess of it.Simply going through the headlines of their nutrition articles has my disinformation and bullshit alarm going haywire. This website is criminally incorrect on most things related to “nutrition,” a pseudo-science that in reality should be really simple, which we will get to.

What Food Cravings Actually Mean Read the Full Article »

No, It’s not About Protein, It’s About Nutrients

And here I thought we had put this protein debate to rest. However, the “Chief Content Officer” Chris Shugart, over at T-Nation, managed to find yet another “study” where he, just like the dimwits performing the study, draw some seriously flawed conclusions. Chris begins the article in the typical ‘T-Nation’ fashion with some mocking disguised as humor about telling people who are a little bit ‘too pudgy’ to simply stop ‘eating so damn much.’

No, It’s not About Protein, It’s About Nutrients Read the Full Article »

The Best and Worst Health Tips of All Time

This will be an addition to my ‘What is Really Most Important for Health?’ article from a month ago. In that article, I listed ‘Diet/Nutrition,’ as in our natural homo sapiens species-appropriate and species-specific diet of 100% animal-based nutrition, also known as the carnivore diet, as the most important factor for health. That is an undisputable fact.I also listed ‘strategic and planned fasting’ for accelerating healing, repair, and detoxification. The third point touched on

The Best and Worst Health Tips of All Time Read the Full Article »

My Take on Cancer, Prevention, and Healing

As you might know if you followed my work for a while, I was diagnosed with cancer in 2017 with one smaller tumor growing along the Iliotibial band on my right leg (which was removed and studied,) a large tumor within my left leg, stretching almost from the hip to the knee, and a small tumor along my brainstem, close to my right ear. In late 2017 and early 2018, my body was so

My Take on Cancer, Prevention, and Healing Read the Full Article »

A Few Words on Bloating and Digestion Problems — Updated

If you search the internet, you’ll be fed a bunch of nonsense regarding bloating and some alleged “quick fixes” to relieve it. Well, as with all remedies or drugs, it’s only a temporary relief at best, as you shut down your body’s attempt to heal and repair whatever damage you have done. When there is a problem and you experience symptoms from something you have done and your body is now trying to fix,

A Few Words on Bloating and Digestion Problems — Updated Read the Full Article »

”Superfoods” are Actually Highly Toxic Sh*t Foods

While checking a couple of websites this early morning, I just happened to see that an online publication and supplement company recently released an ‘updated’ formula of their “superfood.” Yes, these toxic ‘greens’ powders are still a thing. Gullible people within the Fitness industry make smoothies or put it in their protein shakes believing that they are healthy. Vegans drink them by the gallons in hope to nourish their malnourished, decaying, and dying bodies.

”Superfoods” are Actually Highly Toxic Sh*t Foods Read the Full Article »

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