According to the official story, a male paddleboarder at the Edgartown Great Pond on Martha’s Vineyard struggled to stay above water and then went under near Turkeyland Cove. Authorities responded at 7:46 p.m. on Sunday evening, but did not find the body until 10 a.m. Monday. The body was identified as Tafari Campbell, the White House Chef during the presidency of Barack Obama and now the personal chef of the Obamas.
While the story is covering the sacrifice of Campbell, this story is all about Barack Obama.
Barack Obama is known as the Antichrist in their Book of Revelation script, and they found and identified Campbell’s body on July 24, exactly 11 days before Obama’s birthday (August 4.) Both men are black, playing on their love for racism (and mockery.)

Black = 11
Beast = 11 (Obama, the Beast, the Antichrist)
Campbell was found on Monday, July 24, a day with their Jesuit 56-date numerology. And, remember, Obama won the 56th election.
7/24/2023 = 7 + 2+4 + (20) + (23) = 56

Tafari Campbell = 56
Black Lives Matter = 56 (Black, the racism, mockery)
Masonic Ritual = 56 (what it is)
Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order)
Freemasons = 56
July 24 was 11 months and 20 days after Obama’s last birthday, like 112, as you can drop the zeroes in numerology as they hold no value.
Of all things that could, ‘possibly’ kill a man, Campbell was allegedly paddleboarding when he died.

Paddleboarding = 112
Of course, the former White House Chef was found and identified on a day with full 74-date numerology, hinting at Obama as Lucifer, the Antichrist, in yet another Masonic killing ritual.
7/24/2023 = 7 + 24 + 20 + 23 = 74

Lucifer = 74
Masonic = 74
Killing = 74
White House Chef = 74
And July 24 also had a full date numerology of 38, the number of murder and killing, and also that of Lucifer, once again.
7/24/2023 = (7) + (24) + 2+0+2+3 = 38

Lucifer = 38 (again)
Barack is Satan = 38
Killing = 38 (again)
Murder = 38
Death = 38
RIP = 38
July 24 also came with a short date-numerology of 18, the number associated with the Beast, as 6 + 6 + 6 equals 18. Of course, Barack equals 18, and so does Masons, a perfect fit for the ritual.
7/24/23 = 7 + 2+4 + 2+3 = 18

Barack = 18
Masons = 18
And to make it even more obvious, the same short-date can also be calculated as 36, the triangular number of 666. Of course, ‘Barack’ and ‘Masons’ does not only equal 18, it equals 36 as well, proper satanic.

7/24/23 = (7) + (24) + 2+3 = 36
7/24/23 = 7 + 2+4 + (23) = 36

Barack = 36
Masons = 36
And so does ‘IHS,’ the Greek monogram of IHSOUS (Jesus) and Latin acronym of Iesus Hominum Salvator (Jesus, Savior of Men,) used by the Jesuit Order.

IHS = 36, 18
And, of course, July 24, as in 7/24 is simply 7+24, as in 31. A perfect fit for the Obamas.

Obama = 31, 31
As for synchronicity in the script, this murder/sacrifice happened on Edgartown Great Pond. The perfect place for a murder by the numbers.

Edgartown Great Pond = 207, 90, 90
Murder by Numbers = 207, 90, 90
In this Freemasonic ritual, Campbell allegedly went under water at ‘Turkeyland Cove.’ As you know, the largest Freemasonic order in the U.S. is Skull and Bones.

Turkeyland Cove = 202, 76, 59, 76, 185, 59, 1212
Skull and Bones = 202, 76, 59, 76, 185, 59, 1212
And again, ‘paddleboarding’ fits perfectly with the script.

Paddleboarding = 67
Human Sacrifice = 67
Blood Sacrifice = 67
As for astrology, on July 23 and 24, Neptune (the Roman version of the Greek Poseidon, God of the Sea,) associated with water and sacrifice, was in the sign of Pisces, which it also rules. Also, Saturn, their Sun God, had just entered the sign of the Pisces on July 23. Campbell died in the water, among the ‘Pisces.’
Again, we have a Masonic Ritual reminding us that Barack Obama is still in play on the world stage. He is still considered the Antichrist, and he will most likely be back.