On January 29, 2024, several news outlets published articles with Elon Musk claiming that the first human had received an implant from his brain-chip company ‘Neuralink’ on Sunday and was recovering well.
“Initial results show promising neuron spike detection,” Musk said in a post on the social media platform X on Monday.
Spikes are activity by neurons, which the National Institute of Health describes as cells that use electrical and chemical signals to send information around the brain and to the body.
Now, this story about the ‘first human brain implant’ was news on Monday, January 29, as in 1/29, or 129 – and was, of course, neatly scripted within the simple English ordinal cipher.
News on January 29 = 1/29 = 129

First Human = 129
Brain Implant = 129
Of course, Elon Musk is simply a puppet and actor paving the way for the Transhumanist agenda, which is one of many branches of the Saturn cult, aimed at turning human beings into “cyborgs,” as part of their Luciferian agenda. Transhumanists believe they can become gods through Artificial Intelligence and merging technology with man, and they also believe they can create hosts for demons and Fallen Angels. Again, the date fits perfectly with their wicked beliefs.

Lightbringer = 129 (as in Lucifer, the Fallen Angel)
Anton LaVey = 129 (Founder of the Church of Satan, author of the Satanic Bible)
And 129 is also the very Jesuit 201 in Octal, base-8 counting.

The Jesuit Order = 201
To add to the Jesuit fingerprints, the news trended on a day with 54-date numerology, and this kind of implant-technology is simply the Mark of the Beast.
1/29/24 = 1 + 29 + 24 = 54

Mark of the Beast = 54
King of Hell = 54 (As in Lucifer, the Lightbringer)
Masonic Rite = 54
Jesuit Order = 54
January 29 came at a span of 7 months and 2 days, like 72, after Elon Musk’s June 28 birthday.

Masonic Rite = 72, 72 (again)
Jesuit Order = 72, 72 (again)
And a full-date numerology of 74, again connecting us back to the Lightbringer, to Lucifer and his agenda, and also the Masons, to which Elon Musk belongs.
1/29/2024 = 1 + 29 + 20+ 24 = 74

Lucifer = 74
Masonic = 74
And also, a date-numerology of 38, again a number associated with Lucifer and Elon Musk. What a perfect day for this ritual.
1/29/2024 = (1) + (29) + 2+0+2+4 = 38

Lucifer = 38, 38 (again)
Masonic = 38 (again)
Elon Musk = 38
The story trended on January 29, exactly 4 months and 30 days, as in 43, before Elon Musk’s June 28 birthday (as you can remove the zero in numerology as it has no value.)

Lucifer = 43, 43 (again)
Masonic = 43, 43 (again)
Elon Musk = 43, 43 (again)
And we also had a symbolically 18-date numerology, the simple (6+6+6) code for the Number of the Beast, as in the symbolical value of the Mark of the Beast.
1/29/24 = 1 + 2+9 + 2+4 = 18
6 + 6 + 6 = 18

Satanic = 18
Human = 18 (human trial)
Beast = 18 (making human into beast)
And on that theme, this story trended on January 29, the 216th day of Elon Musk’s age. 216 is also symbolic of the Number of the Beast as “6 x 6 x 6” equals 216.

6 x 6 x 6 = 216
And of course, X = 6

And thus, it was also 151 days before his upcoming birthday, and 151 is the 36th prime number, and the square root of 36 is 6, as in X, and ‘666’ is the 36th triangular number. Can’t get better scripted than this!

151 = 36

36 = 666
This was yet again a clearly scripted ritual all by the numbers, keeping the Satanic Transhuman agenda alive.