Yale University

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 9

In this part we will continue our journey through the history of mind control through the 1990’s where we once again see the flip of the coin as the ‘golden era’ of the right-wing is switched to the opposite agendas of the left-wing. In 1990 the mystery serial drama Twin Peaks premiered and ran for two seasons until cancelled in 1991, leaving it on a cliffhanger ending – only to return in 2017 for […]

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 9 Read the Full Article »

‘That ’70s Show’ Actor Danny Masterson’s Degrading Masonic Rape Ritual

I had no idea who this cockwomble was until CNN, FOX News, and some other lamestream controlled and fake media outlets made him frontpage news after writing about his Masonic humiliating, degrading, and advancement ritual, which in this case, allegedly consisted of being guilty of rape on two of three counts. As you should know by now, everything on the world stage and anything that get big headlines is staged, scripted, and carried out

‘That ’70s Show’ Actor Danny Masterson’s Degrading Masonic Rape Ritual Read the Full Article »

U.S. Weather Warfare: Mississippi Hit Hard and 20 Million at Risk During Sunday

During late Friday night, March 24, and during Saturday, March 25, a tornado touched down in Mississippi as severe storms carved a path of destruction throughout U.S. southern communities. Allegedly at least 26 people are dead and more than 32,000 homes are still without power as I write this (late Saturday in the U.S., early Sunday morning in Sweden.) The most recent update says that more than 20 million people are at risk of

U.S. Weather Warfare: Mississippi Hit Hard and 20 Million at Risk During Sunday Read the Full Article »

The Year of Skull and Bones Freemasonry – Ordo ab Chao

So far this year, we’ve had staged shootings and celeb deaths every day until “spy” balloons and unidentified objects started showing up for about a week, then they mysteriously stopped showing up after the Super Bowl, and the shootings returned instead. Then we had several staged train derailment psy-ops, as mirrored by the old movies Super 8 and White Noise (White Noise was about a toxic derailment in East Palestine, using locals as actors,

The Year of Skull and Bones Freemasonry – Ordo ab Chao Read the Full Article »

Murder by Numbers: Rising MMA Star Victoria LEE with Three Wins in ONE Championship, Dead at 18

You know that the half-woke truther sheep will bleat about the poke, the magic potion, the hokey pokey on all of these half-celeb deaths. I’ve covered that mind virus, that part of the infodemic ad nauseam. None of the deaths that get media exposure is due to the poke, they are all rituals – all scripted, carefully planned, and executed all by the numbers as they have done for hundreds of years. Victoria Lee,

Murder by Numbers: Rising MMA Star Victoria LEE with Three Wins in ONE Championship, Dead at 18 Read the Full Article »

Skull and Bones Freemasonry Shenanigans on the 322-day of the Year

November 18 was the 322nd day of the year, as in Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry. And of course, the day was plastered with Freemasonic tribute rituals. Freemasonry evolved from the guilds of stonemasons and cathedral builders. The guild was infiltrated and ‘reborn’ in 1717 when it was turned into a ‘fraternal organization,’ a ‘secret society’ by the Jesuit founded Bavarian Illuminati (Order of Illuminati.) They are not Christians, they are Satanic and

Skull and Bones Freemasonry Shenanigans on the 322-day of the Year Read the Full Article »

More Virus Programming Targeted at Children — Coverup of Vaccine Injuries?

This media report begins with a fabricated sob story of an alleged 15-month-old child coughing and not acting like her normal self. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book of writing, to get insecure and weak-minded parents emotionally involved so that they will be easier to program and act upon the false and extremely dangerous information provided after the moving introduction.However, if you actually know anything about how the media and the

More Virus Programming Targeted at Children — Coverup of Vaccine Injuries? Read the Full Article »

March 22 is the day of Order 322, Skull & Bones Freemasonry

The 22nd of March, as in 3/22, or 322 is coming up. 322 is the number associated with Order 322, or Skull and Bones, the Elite Fraternity out of Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.In Europe, we write March 22nd as 22/3, as in 223, which is the reflection of 322, and thus consider equals in numerology.It’s also the third month or the year ’22, as in 3/22, or 322. March 22, 2022 will be

March 22 is the day of Order 322, Skull & Bones Freemasonry Read the Full Article »

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