Yale University

3/22, The Day of Skull & Bones: Staged Crocus City Hall Attack & Kate Middelton Cancer Diagnosis — Updated

Yesterday, March 22, 2024, as in 3/22, or Order 322, as in Skull and Bones Freemasonry did not pass by unnoticed. And let’s not forget that Yale University, the headquarters of Skull and Bones, celebrates being 322 years old this year. As the world is ruled by the elite families through their Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church, the Freemasonic orders are the ones doing all the work, as they have their members present […]

3/22, The Day of Skull & Bones: Staged Crocus City Hall Attack & Kate Middelton Cancer Diagnosis — Updated Read the Full Article »

Oppenheimer’s 7 Awards and John Cena’s “Nude” Ritual on the 70th Day of the Year

According to the media, the Oscars continued to rebound with its biggest audience since 2020 thanks to abysmal movies such as “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie,” averaging 19.5 million viewers on Sunday night. Now, I have no idea how anyone could watch such extreme satanic filth, and with the revolting puppet Jimmy Kimmel as host to boot, but I guess some people did, even if the numbers are inflated and scripted. Of course, being the satanic

Oppenheimer’s 7 Awards and John Cena’s “Nude” Ritual on the 70th Day of the Year Read the Full Article »

The ‘3’ US Troops Killed at Tower ‘22’ Psy-Op

On January 28, 2024, three US Troops were allegedly killed in Jordan at “Tower 22.” Yes, ‘3’ troops at Tower ‘22,’ as in ‘322,’ as in Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry. Not to mention the two “Tower” Symbolism. Complete mockery. And since they manufactured this fake story, it has trended every single day on CNN, all through January 28 to January 30. The fake attack was staged on January 28, it was said

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The Trump Circus Continues

On Friday, January 26, a jury said that Donald Trump should pay $83.3 million in damages for his defamatory statements disparaging E. Jean Carroll and for denying her rape allegations.This scripted chapter of the Trump defamation ritual took place exactly 32 weeks and 2 days after his birthday, as in 322, the number of Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry. Of course, the accuser and actor E. Jean Carroll was born on December 12,

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What Are They Planning? Terror Alert at “All-Time High”

Yesterday, December 5, 2023, Fox News and other media outlets featured FBI Director Christopher Wray announcing that the “terror threat” facing the United States had reached unprecedented levels since the (staged and fake) October 7 attack on Israel. Now, the obvious question is if this is connected to all the videos that has emerged on social media during the last half-year or so of several once busy locations in the U.S. that has been

What Are They Planning? Terror Alert at “All-Time High” Read the Full Article »

Henry Kissinger Dead at 100 by the Numbers – Updated

Well, after the death of Charlie Munger, and former president Jimmy Carter being in the headlines as of late, it comes as no surprise that another famous world-stager in Henry Kissinger was up next. Henry Kissinger was a Zionist-Jewish political puppet and media actor who played the role of Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977 under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Kissinger was often used by the Jesuits as the archetypal globalist agent

Henry Kissinger Dead at 100 by the Numbers – Updated Read the Full Article »

Phallus Ritual on the 322nd Day of the Year and a Look at Freemasonry

Remember, on February 12, the day leaving a Freemasonic Skull and Bones 322 days remaining in the year, during the Super Bowl, the U.S. allegedly shot down yet another ‘high-altitude object,’ only days after the silly ‘Chinese spy balloon’ rituals. Well, yesterday, on November 18, the 322nd day of the year, they returned to the skies with Elon Musk and his SpaceX phallos igniting all its Freemasonic 33 engines. The ritual and the mocking

Phallus Ritual on the 322nd Day of the Year and a Look at Freemasonry Read the Full Article »

Joe Biden Visits Israel and Biblically Cancels Jordan Arab League Meeting

Puppet and actor Joe Biden visited Israel on October 18, 2023, on the four-year anniversary of Event 201, the ‘revelation of the method’ for their previous hoax, the fake coronavirus plandemic. As you know, Event 201 was named in honor of their masters, the Jesuit Order and their famous number of 201, that we have decoded hundreds of times. And, that takes us to this staged and fake war, their latest psy-op, also orchestrated

Joe Biden Visits Israel and Biblically Cancels Jordan Arab League Meeting Read the Full Article »

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