Vision 2050

Reality Check – The Staged Pandemic and Russia-Ukraine War

Although I’ve touched on this in several articles, I see the need for a short and simple summary, as the sheep are totally unaware and even diet-woke and lukewarm truthers are falling into disinformation traps set by controlled opposition and shills. The world we live in has always been controlled by the same lineage of people. Today they are known as the 13 families. They are tightly connected, trough marriage and business, with most […]

Reality Check – The Staged Pandemic and Russia-Ukraine War Read the Full Article »

Cyberattack Programming as the Theatre of War Continues – and a Rant About Our Future

CBS News ’60 minutes,’ aka., ‘an hour of lies you’ll never get back,’ covered the ‘vulnerability’ of the U.S. electric grid in face of Russian hacker-attacks. They go on about the staged and fake war in Ukraine and how the sneaky Russians could shut down Ukraine’s power grid, leaving its populace without light, heat, refrigeration, water, phones, and internet. Then they go on about how Russia already proven themselves in their ability to use

Cyberattack Programming as the Theatre of War Continues – and a Rant About Our Future Read the Full Article »

Covid-19 Restrictions Dropping World-Wide as Year of the Tiger Gets Underway

On September 20, the Jesuit puppet Bill Gates said that the staged and fake coronavirus pandemic would be with us until 2022. Then on December 7, Bill made the prediction that the “acute phase” would end in early 2022. This ‘prediction’ was connected, just as the start of the pandemic that originated in China, to the Year of the Tiger. And here we are, just a few days into the new Chinese Year that

Covid-19 Restrictions Dropping World-Wide as Year of the Tiger Gets Underway Read the Full Article »

Deaths Skyrockets After the Third Vaccine Shot in Israel

As a truth-seeker, information analyst, and expert of human physiology, biology, and microbiology, you wish you were wrong about almost everything you find out and understand in today’s world. All the information is available to find for those who seek. Unfortunately, most people are so tired, fatigued, and dumbed down, that they never research anything. They just get spoon-fed by the Jesuit-controlled propaganda machine called ‘the news’.When the first shot of vaccine was administrated

Deaths Skyrockets After the Third Vaccine Shot in Israel Read the Full Article »

The Climate Change Nonsense Never Ends – Methane on the Radar

Anyone with half a loaf of bread as brains have figured out the Climate Scam by now. Nothing has changed in hundreds of years. But this theory, this fraud of the climate changing due to the population, is very important to their narrative, for their Agenda 2030 and Vision 2050 – where the governments and corporations own all the land, where the population has been drastically reduced and everyone lives in big ‘smart’ cities.

The Climate Change Nonsense Never Ends – Methane on the Radar Read the Full Article »

Ramping up the Climate Crisis – Greece Still Burning

Prepare for more Climate Change Crisis Propaganda. All fabricated, all part of the plan. This will be a rather short decode, but the message is what is important as well as understanding what is happening and why. From the story:“Evia, Greece (CNN): Greece is facing a “natural disaster of unprecedented proportions,” as 586 wildfires burn in “all corners” of the country, according to Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.” Ever wondered if they actually count

Ramping up the Climate Crisis – Greece Still Burning Read the Full Article »

They Are Now Pushing Lambda Variant, Just as Predicted

I hardly need to decode this nonsense. At this stage, even the ones just waking up should see what a scam this is. There has never been any isolation or proof of a single virus in history, so there can not be any variants of something that does not exist. This is pure programming and fear mongering, keeping the tyranny and lockdowns going. As for Delta and Lambda, I predicted and wrote about them

They Are Now Pushing Lambda Variant, Just as Predicted Read the Full Article »

Veganism a Jesuit Psy-Op

The Veganism Psy-Op to further the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030

Veganism and Plant-Based diets are part of the long-planned enslavement for humankind and the ushering of the New World Order. Vegans and Plant-Based Retards help The Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations, and World Economic Forum to achieve “The Great Reset” for the 2030 Smart Cities – where you are a microchipped docile slave and own nothing. This is why veganism is pushed by all these satanic Jesuit-controlled organizations and why social media is full

The Veganism Psy-Op to further the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 Read the Full Article »

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