
CDC claims 56% of U.S. is fully vaccinated, in yet another obvious ‘56’ ritual

And here we go again, if it’s not a Toilet Paper crisis or Anthony Fauci spewing his bullshit about this Complete Hoax, it’s faked mocking vaccine statistics shoveled in your face. Seriously, this hoax code of ‘56’ has been used since the start of this staged and faked pandemic. It’s getting ridiculous at this point. So, the article claims that 56% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, but 70 million is still unvaccinated. […]

CDC claims 56% of U.S. is fully vaccinated, in yet another obvious ‘56’ ritual Read the Full Article »

“Studies” confirm waning immunity from Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine

The pseudoscientists are at it again. To quote from the garbage they call a “news story”: “Two real-world studies published Wednesday confirm that the immune protection offered by two doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine drops off after two months or so, although protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death remains strong.” Real-world studies? Okay. So, fabricated lies from some hospital instead of a research facility with paid shills trying to fill an agenda. And

“Studies” confirm waning immunity from Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine Read the Full Article »

Quick Summary of What May Lie Ahead

This year I probably written close to 300 posts or more. Just in the last couple of months I’ve averaged almost 40 a month. The majority of these posts has been decodes of the Lamestream media’s fake news stories – as people need to wake up. In each decode I try to explain the thinking and meaning of the story, to give you some extra information and things to think about.In many of these

Quick Summary of What May Lie Ahead Read the Full Article »

Sweden to manipulate Covaids-1984 statistics even further

As I wrote in my article about Sweden removing “all Corona Restrictions” on September 29, the agenda is simply to blame the unvaccinated for people getting sick (as they always have and always will) for something that does not exist. Today’s news confirms this and then some. “Fully vaccinated will no longer have to be tested for Covid-19 when showing any symptom, such as cough, a runny nose, or fever.” In other words, only

Sweden to manipulate Covaids-1984 statistics even further Read the Full Article »

Today’s Propaganda: Vietnamese man jailed for five years for spreading coronavirus

Imaging that, being jailed for something that is less likely to be real than the Teletubbies or the wisecracking talking horse Mister Ed.Yes, of course it’s pure bullocks. There is no coronavirus, there is no contagion, but there is a quiet war being waged upon us with silent weapons. Weapons such as government, the media, the fake western ‘modern’ medicine, the big corporations, and now the maiming jab – made possible by this fake

Today’s Propaganda: Vietnamese man jailed for five years for spreading coronavirus Read the Full Article »

Fake Statistics with a Jesuit and Biblical Claim of “201 million” Americans Vaccinated to Push Their Deadly Propaganda

A “study”, which means something fabricated they put some puppets name on, claim that as of Monday, more than 201 million Americans have received at least one shot of the maiming, sterilizing and deadly Covid-19 vaccine, with over 171 million fully vaccinated. 201 is the Jesuit number, what a coincidence! The same fake “study” also claim that ‘unvaccinated’ people are 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with “Covid” than vaccinated. Well, thank God

Fake Statistics with a Jesuit and Biblical Claim of “201 million” Americans Vaccinated to Push Their Deadly Propaganda Read the Full Article »

Division Propaganda by using Fake Polls and Programming

What we have talked and warned about since the start of the dangerous and maiming vaccinations have now escalated and are being pushed by the media. Yes, the division tactics – as previously seen in racism. They want to pin vaccinated against the unvaccinated, to get people to fight amongst each other. The best conquering tactic there is. In this fabricated and faked story, they claim that a “survey” or a “poll” by ‘The

Division Propaganda by using Fake Polls and Programming Read the Full Article »

Catt in Staged News

How “celebrities” are used for Propaganda. Sell-Out and False Idol Catt Sadler Warns of Fake Delta Variant

Anyone who has done some research know that viruses do not exist as portrayed by the fake Rockefeller Medical Establishment and the pseudoscience of virology. There is no contagion and there is no variants of something that does not exist. Simple logic – and more and more people are waking up, realizing this. So, to combat this awakening they need to constantly put out their fabricated propaganda. Every single day! Being a “celebrity” and

How “celebrities” are used for Propaganda. Sell-Out and False Idol Catt Sadler Warns of Fake Delta Variant Read the Full Article »

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