
How About Preventing Prostate Cancer Instead?

On April 13, I reviewed an article by T-Nation on ejaculating and the possible effect on testosterone, where they as usual, got several things backwards. To make a long story short, too frequent ejaculations, as in every or every other day could have a small negative impact on testosterone, while actually getting aroused, as in sexually stimulated, temporarily raises testosterone. So, in other words, engaging in sexual activity, or pleasing yourself, as long as […]

How About Preventing Prostate Cancer Instead? Read the Full Article »

Food Do Not Increase Productivity Unless You Are Malnourished

Today we’ll visit “IronMagazine Online.” Yes, the website that once upon a time tried to steal the name of my pioneering IronMagazine Online, or ‘Ironmag’ that we called it for short. I developed the first real bodybuilding and health online-magazine Ironmag in 1996 and ran it together with Christian Thibaudeau and Eric Hesse until 2002. As I moved on to run the Swedish Edition of Ironman Magazine and work with other companies, this other

Food Do Not Increase Productivity Unless You Are Malnourished Read the Full Article »

Resveratrol is a Toxic Defense Chemical and Has Zero Anti-Aging Effects

The supplement-pushers at T-Nation are back with another advertisement-article about their unnatural and toxic supplements, this time with the claim that the polyphenol ‘Resveratrol,’ a potent poison, has “anti-ageing” effects trough ‘Angiogenesis.’ Well, I totally debunked Resveratrol back in January 5, 2024, when former T-Nation writer TC Luoma wrote some complete pseudo-science garbage about polyphenols and Resveratrol in particular. To make a short recap, I’ll recite some of what I wrote in that article.

Resveratrol is a Toxic Defense Chemical and Has Zero Anti-Aging Effects Read the Full Article »

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants

Today we return to Medical News Today, one of the worst disinformation and government/medical shill-websites on the ‘net, where every breaking story is tailored to reinforce their pseudo-scientific lies while furthering their slave-control and single-gender agenda. This time they covered the alarming rise of “colorectal cancer” in the young population. Well, pretty much every “modern disease” is rising all across the board due to our general lifestyle of stress, drugs/medication, supplements, and highly processed

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants Read the Full Article »

Simple Food Ranking for Humans

While I do touch on nutrient density and toxicity of different ‘edibles’ in my coaching nutrition guides, the ‘ranking’ of food is one of the most common questions I receive on social media and also in my consulting sessions.It’s typical human programming to want a list and thus being able to “get away” with some bad choices as long as you stick with the good ones most of the time. And sure, it can

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Eat This, Not That: Worst of the Worst?

This review was a request by some of my readers. When looking at ranking websites based on traffic provided by Google Analytics, the website “” recently climbed from rank 8 to rank 3 at the beginning of this year with a monthly 11.6 million visitors within the category of “Nutrition Diets and Fitness” in the US. While I’m not sure if this was due to heavy bot-induced traffic brought on by their Freemasonic funding,

Eat This, Not That: Worst of the Worst? Read the Full Article »

Testosterone Supplement Bollocks

Yesterday, April 29, T Nation posted a new and very distasteful article on increasing Testosterone “naturally” trough supplementation. Let’s see what their editorial staff had to say — as they now avoid any responsibility by withholding the name of the (likely retarded) author/authors. They begin the article by a second sub-headline masked as a very distasteful statement, by posing the question, “Not Ready for the Needle? Boost Testosterone Naturally.” This kind of implies that

Testosterone Supplement Bollocks Read the Full Article »

Shills be Shillin’: Herbal Medicine and the Plant-Based Psy-Op

Recently I’ve seen a few “truthers,” that previously have delivered pretty correct information regarding the pseudo-science of the germ theory, as in the falsehood of pathogens, viruses, and contagion now post and pushing for plants and ‘herbal medicine.’ One of the posts said something like this: “If eating plants causes disease, how did herbal medicine ever get off the ground and remain a primary form of medicine for thousands of years?” I have covered

Shills be Shillin’: Herbal Medicine and the Plant-Based Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

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