
Whoopie Goldberg Goes Full ‘Woketard’ After Second Fake CONvid 1984 Diagnosis

As I’ve hinted several times, this ‘Coronavirus’ Psy-Op Theatre is far from over, we’re only in between the acts, and they remind us of this almost daily. Too see how absurd and disgusting this story is, let’s take a few steps back in time and humor the pseudo-science of fraudulent virology. Let’s for a second pretend that there are invisible boogeymen called ‘viruses,’ although they never been isolated or proven to exist – still […]

Whoopie Goldberg Goes Full ‘Woketard’ After Second Fake CONvid 1984 Diagnosis Read the Full Article »

The Fake ‘Transmittable’ Disease Scare Continues, Aimed at Parents and Children as Second Pandemic Looms

In tandem with the extremely coded and fabricated story I decoded and wrote about on October 22 about RSV, CNN and other media outlets now ramp up their ‘disease’ programming as the winter approaches and as people, and especially children, develop detoxification symptoms as they always do during this part of the year – a clever strategy which make their lies seem more real.As you can see in the featured image taken from CNN,

The Fake ‘Transmittable’ Disease Scare Continues, Aimed at Parents and Children as Second Pandemic Looms Read the Full Article »

Rockefeller’s Mercury Project to Further Dis-information and Silence the Truth

In light of yesterday’s article about WHO’s six policies for total enslavement policies, that are based on the germ and virus lie; those policies were foreshadowed by Rockefeller’s ongoing Mercury Project. And this is how they describe this “Mercury Project” in their own words: “The Social Science Research Council is providing USD 7.2 million to 12 teams advancing ambitious, applied social and behavioral science to combat the growing global threat posed by low Covid-19

Rockefeller’s Mercury Project to Further Dis-information and Silence the Truth Read the Full Article »

WHO says, “End of Covid-19 Pandemic is in Sight,” but Do Not get Fooled

A couple of news outlets, including CNN, ran with this story about ending the staged and fake plan-demic yesterday after a recent statement from the World Hell Organization, also known as ‘the propaganda machine that keep people sick, weak and enslaved.’ At a first glance, the sheeple will get a hefty dose of hopium with strong words such as, “We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic.” Then, if you

WHO says, “End of Covid-19 Pandemic is in Sight,” but Do Not get Fooled Read the Full Article »

The Definition of Disease Revisited – Pathology is Pseudoscience

Although I’ve written at lengths about the false germ theory and the incorrect definition of disease, I see people, including clients, falling back into their old programming as soon as they are confronted with something ‘new’ or ‘different’ to what I’ve recently explained to them. A life-time of indoctrination and disinformation is not always easy to eradicate, even if you got a grasp of the basics. To better understand the concept of health and

The Definition of Disease Revisited – Pathology is Pseudoscience Read the Full Article »

If you got “sick” during the holidays, here’s what you REALLY need to know

A lot of people get “sick” during the winter, and especially the holidays. People have always experienced such symptoms at these times of year since modern society was formed and we strived away from living with nature and started poisoning ourself with unnatural food, pollution, chemicals and feeding ourself with plant-based garbage and Frankenstein foods void of nutrition. Not to mention the stress, the fear, and feelings of hopelessness in today’s world – especially

If you got “sick” during the holidays, here’s what you REALLY need to know Read the Full Article »

Mis/Disinformation and Misunderstandings That Need to Die in 2022

1. Misunderstanding: Food is Medicine“Medicine” indicates that there is something “nonsurgical” to treat or cure that the body would not be able to fix itself. However, there are no ‘diseases’ in nature. Only poisoning and effects of toxicity or trauma. And as far as food is concerned, only malnutrition. Food is sustenance to make sure our body can work as intended. Food in itself does not treat or cure anything; but it is necessary

Mis/Disinformation and Misunderstandings That Need to Die in 2022 Read the Full Article »

The Pandemic Dance (do the ‘rona) – Original Song

The Pandemic Dance (do the ‘rona) – Original Song Mr. Johnny Rockefeller back in 1909said, “Hey JP Morgan, heard you got a cruise linelet’s make two titanic ships(it’s OK if one of them’s shit)we’ll swap ‘em in the evening when they go to sleepwe’ll sink one to the bottom of the ocean deepand everyone we don’t likewill have a watery night”now with a lack of competition and a whole lotta nervethey chuckled as they

The Pandemic Dance (do the ‘rona) – Original Song Read the Full Article »

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