
Mikhail Gorbachev, last leader of Soviet Union, dead at 91

Mikhail Gorbachev, who led the Soviet Union from 1985 until its breakup in 1991, has died at the age of 91, Russian state news agencies announced on August 30. Gorbachev was credited for helping end the fake “nuclear arms race,” also known as the “Cold War” – a period of ‘geopolitical theatre’ between the Soviet Union and the United States and their respective allies, stretching from 1947 to 1991. As you can see, the […]

Mikhail Gorbachev, last leader of Soviet Union, dead at 91 Read the Full Article »

“Virus, It’s Time to Go.” Another Great Summary of the Germ Theory and Virus Lie by Dr. Sam Bailey

As long as the information is correct and not made with their own agenda behind it, I will endorse excellent videos like this one. Also, this is the most important lie and fraud to uncover as it is the only way to stop the attack and terror on the world populace with fake viruses and staged pandemics. It’s also the only way to finally end the corrupt and evil medical establishment and the pharmaceutical

“Virus, It’s Time to Go.” Another Great Summary of the Germ Theory and Virus Lie by Dr. Sam Bailey Read the Full Article »

Ultraviolet Light to Kill Microbes Could Prevent the Next Staged Plan-demic, Pseudo-Scientists Say — While in Reality it Will Make Us Sicker and Weaker

Let’s say that this light actually works and kill microorganisms, what exactly does that mean?According to biology and accepted science, a microorganism, or microbe, is a living organism of microscopic size, which may exist in a single-celled form or as a colony of cells all around us and within us. The most common types are bacteria, viruses and fungi. And right there they contradicted their own ‘science,’ since their definition of non-existing viruses is

Ultraviolet Light to Kill Microbes Could Prevent the Next Staged Plan-demic, Pseudo-Scientists Say — While in Reality it Will Make Us Sicker and Weaker Read the Full Article »

FAKE NEWS: China has Released a Bioweapon During the Olympic Games

Here we are again. Another retarded story being shared on social media and on blogs by diet-woke writers, playing right into the hands of controlled opposition and disinformation agents. Just look how all the shill-sites share the exact same story with the same headline. Simple scare tactics and to fuel the lie that contagious viruses and diseases exist. I’ve touched on this on many occasions since the staged and fake pandemic started. There is

FAKE NEWS: China has Released a Bioweapon During the Olympic Games Read the Full Article »

To Those Stupid Idiots Recommending Ivermectin!

Yes, I touched on that toxic, hazardous, and idiotic drug on several occasions, but if you have friends that are Q’tarded or worse, show them this video: Link: And then have them read my old post here: And also this: You’re Welcome!

To Those Stupid Idiots Recommending Ivermectin! Read the Full Article »

A Friendly Reminder – People Always get “Sick” During the Winter

There are several reasons for people getting “sick” (experience symptoms) during late autumn, the winter (around New Year) and in the spring. 1. We have natural detox cycles that is triggered by drastic changes in temperatures, as in changing of the seasons. If you have a toxic load, you will detox when the temperature drops in late autumn and/or when the temperature rises in the spring. This ‘cleansing cycle’ can also be triggered when

A Friendly Reminder – People Always get “Sick” During the Winter Read the Full Article »

An Anecdote – The Many Faces of Disease/Symptoms

As you might know, I got severely ill in 2017 with tumors and organs almost failing. I tried the carnivore diet, mostly raw meat and organs, and later on prolonged fasting and healed in record-time. Before 2017 I was sick 2 to 4 times a year for several weeks. After adopting an animal-based diet in early 2018 and also discovering the Terrain Theory, I have not been sick a single day. I’ve only felt

An Anecdote – The Many Faces of Disease/Symptoms Read the Full Article »

Loss of Taste, Smell, Appetite, and Vomiting – All Natural Symptoms of Healing. And Why You Cannot Cure a Disease.

I’ve touched on this many times before, especially about the loss of smell as linked here. To keep this “short” and “simple”, I will not touch on trauma- or stress related “disease” (symptoms), as in German New Medicine, you can read about that in the link above. In this article, we will only touch on toxins, germs, and parasites. The biggest scam in our history is the false germ theory, the ludicrous idea that

Loss of Taste, Smell, Appetite, and Vomiting – All Natural Symptoms of Healing. And Why You Cannot Cure a Disease. Read the Full Article »

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