
Dry Fasting – The Best way to Fast? Part 1 of 2

We’ve been told by the lying establishment and the Rockefeller pseudoscience of ‘modern medicine’ that fasting is starvation and therefore bad. Of course, anyone who have looked into it know that fasting is the best and quickest way to detoxify and heal pretty much anything, and most importantly, a way to extend your lifespan. However, among those who know this, we still have people telling us that ‘dry fasting’ is bad and dangerous. This […]

Dry Fasting – The Best way to Fast? Part 1 of 2 Read the Full Article »

Ultraviolet Light to Kill Microbes Could Prevent the Next Staged Plan-demic, Pseudo-Scientists Say — While in Reality it Will Make Us Sicker and Weaker

Let’s say that this light actually works and kill microorganisms, what exactly does that mean?According to biology and accepted science, a microorganism, or microbe, is a living organism of microscopic size, which may exist in a single-celled form or as a colony of cells all around us and within us. The most common types are bacteria, viruses and fungi. And right there they contradicted their own ‘science,’ since their definition of non-existing viruses is

Ultraviolet Light to Kill Microbes Could Prevent the Next Staged Plan-demic, Pseudo-Scientists Say — While in Reality it Will Make Us Sicker and Weaker Read the Full Article »

The Stupidity Knows No Bounds! The Non-Existing Coronavirus Attack Fat Tissue Claims Paid Pseudoscientists. And a Lesson in Healing

Yes, just as silly as the claim that cold weather causes blood clots and heart attacks (but only in 2021, never ever before in history), now some total dimwits claim that a virus (that does not exist) can attack your fat tissue and cause severe inflammation – which magically can cause an “dangerous” reaction from the imaginary immune system. And this should be the explanation why “fat people” are more at risk of getting

The Stupidity Knows No Bounds! The Non-Existing Coronavirus Attack Fat Tissue Claims Paid Pseudoscientists. And a Lesson in Healing Read the Full Article »

Loss of Taste, Smell, Appetite, and Vomiting – All Natural Symptoms of Healing. And Why You Cannot Cure a Disease.

I’ve touched on this many times before, especially about the loss of smell as linked here. To keep this “short” and “simple”, I will not touch on trauma- or stress related “disease” (symptoms), as in German New Medicine, you can read about that in the link above. In this article, we will only touch on toxins, germs, and parasites. The biggest scam in our history is the false germ theory, the ludicrous idea that

Loss of Taste, Smell, Appetite, and Vomiting – All Natural Symptoms of Healing. And Why You Cannot Cure a Disease. Read the Full Article »

August 2, 2021. Another fast coming up!

The temperature has dropped quite a bit during the last couple of days. From about 27C (83F) to 16C (60F) and inside in my apartment from about 31C (88F) to 23C (73F), so I’m sleeping a bit better and have more energy. My previous fast last week was meant to be around 5 days, but ended after 3. So, I decided to do two in short succession. I will begin my second fast today,

August 2, 2021. Another fast coming up! Read the Full Article »

Facing Death and After

An update on the last couple of years. My journey and why I do what I do

Since I got more active on Social Media in late 2020 and trying to wake people up, I’ve lost about 150 ‘followers’ whose ego just can’t handle my exposing of the lies and deceit on the world stage. However, in the same time period I have gained almost 2,000 new friends.While most of you enjoy what I write, many of you don’t really know my story. I did release a ‘small’ biography in two

An update on the last couple of years. My journey and why I do what I do Read the Full Article »

January 26, 2021. Short Fasting Update! And Q&A

I broke my fast yesterday evening, after 78 hours. Why? I desperately longed for hitting the weights again and my foot felt a lot better. So, yesterday evening I had a whey protein drink with raw milk and heavy cream followed by steak and eggs.This morning, all I had was a pre-workout with 20 grams of slow-acting carbohydrates and 20 grams of essential amino acids. The photo was taken about 30 minutes after the

January 26, 2021. Short Fasting Update! And Q&A Read the Full Article »

January 29, 2020. A little update on my recovery

In my last update, I had just started ‘working’ again in a very limited capacity. I do have access to an office landscape, where I challenge my oversensitivity to external stimulation twice a week (sensitivity to motion, sounds, interactions, flickering lights, etcetera.). This has worked well, actually so well that I’m now back at the gym for about 4 or 5 strength training sessions a week. Although it’s a lot of noise and strength

January 29, 2020. A little update on my recovery Read the Full Article »

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