
The 2023 Emergency Alert System Drill Decoded

And there we go. Another fear tactic employed by the ‘elite’ fueled by shills and alternative media within the ‘conspiracy realm.’ I’ve had multiple people write me in the last week, worrying and asking about 5G and graphene. This is usual among those slowly waking up to reality, as the ‘fear programming’ and the conditioning to look for authorities and to be led is still strong, so they easily get influenced by shills and […]

The 2023 Emergency Alert System Drill Decoded Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 14

In part 13 we ended with the staged Syrian civil war, the staged European refugee crisis and the staged terrorist attacks to cause division, fear, and pave the way to a society that would be conditioned and ready for the extremely obvious and silly 2020 Covid-19 hoax. The end of 2012 also saw the new era of staged and fake school shootings with the Sandy Hook psy-op, which when reported on in the media

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 14 Read the Full Article »

Nano-Man, New Must-See Video by Spacebusters

A good look at what we know and what have been confirmed. Although I do not agree with everything, it’s a good summary. Once Were the Living Part 2: a deep dive expose’ into radioactive lithium hydrogel nasal test swabs, injectable quantum dots, nano-routers, UPC bluetooth and the UN Agenda 21 Great Reset.

Nano-Man, New Must-See Video by Spacebusters Read the Full Article »

FDA vote to recommend pills to treat non-existent Covid-19 on November 30 ritual as predicted

In my article about the Omicron ‘666’-ritual I predicted another Covid-19 and vaccine ritual for November 30, as in 11/30 = 113, as Omicron is ‘113’ in the Francis Bacon cipher. And the pandemic was declared on March 11, as in 11/3 = 113 when using a date format most used in the world. March 11 can also be written as 3/11 = 311, the reflection of 113, and 311 is the Jewish gematria

FDA vote to recommend pills to treat non-existent Covid-19 on November 30 ritual as predicted Read the Full Article »

Graphene Oxide and Hydroxide Theories/Speculation

I see a video posted yesterday circulating about Graphene Hydroxide, which may be present in some of the vaccines, probably those with a high batch-number ending with 20A and 21A (as for the Moderna). I theorized a bit about this some months ago, that the graphene hydroxide will act as razor blades once injected, as an explanation for breastfeeding babies of vaccinated mothers dying of blood-clots and for the rising deaths of elite athletes

Graphene Oxide and Hydroxide Theories/Speculation Read the Full Article »

As Predicted, the FAKE Climate Change is Back in Focus Again

As I predicted, the little globalist-puppet-boy pretending to be a girl is back, and the non-existent climate change hoax bullocks has been fueling all summer with man-made “nature” catastrophes such as flooding, wild fires, hurricanes and earthquakes. Also notice how the pictures of “the rallies” are manipulated (aka “photoshopped”, and very badly so) to look like a lot of people actually participated. The media always lie! And of course, the tag Greta uses…“#FridaysForFuture” =

As Predicted, the FAKE Climate Change is Back in Focus Again Read the Full Article »

Andrew Cuomo Resigns in “Battle Against the Sexes ‘Vagina’ Ritual” – Connecting the Vaccine Sterilization Effects and Future Events

History repeats itself because the parasites running this show writes the script. On August 10, 2017, Taylor Swift hit the news about her alleged ‘sexual assault story’ where her ‘vagina’ was grabbed by a groper. And now, on August 10, 2021, Andrew Cuomo resigns due to ‘sexual harassment’ (by groping). Yes, they are all actors playing a role, following orders and they have to obey to these humiliation rituals. Who knows if he actually

Andrew Cuomo Resigns in “Battle Against the Sexes ‘Vagina’ Ritual” – Connecting the Vaccine Sterilization Effects and Future Events Read the Full Article »

Viruses in the brain, manufactured Viruses, aka. bio-weapons, and other complete nonsense!

I see so much disinformation and stupidity within the lukewarm truther community. Study the Terrain Theory and German New Medicine. It’s all in there. A whole new world will open up and you will see why they LIE about EVERYTHING! Why the deadly Western “Modern” Medicine based on the idiotic germ theory has been in play by the Rockefellers for so long. You cannot get disease from other people. There is no such thing

Viruses in the brain, manufactured Viruses, aka. bio-weapons, and other complete nonsense! Read the Full Article »

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